[1] Wẽnd n yɩɩd minim ne A sẽn rat ne gʋls-bi tõsdɩ-kãensã. La Gʋls-bi tõsdɩ-kãensã, sẽn be Sʋʋr-kãensã baasgẽ wã, yaa sẽn wilgd Alkʋrãanã sẽn komsd a gees-n-taasã, bala b geesa kɩfr-dãmbã ne Alkʋrãanã, tɩ b kong n ka tõog n wa ne a buud ye, tɩ Alkʋrãanã me -yaool n yaa sẽn tui ne gom-biis nins bãmb goamã sẽn tuit ne wã, sẽn yaa gʋls-bi tõsdɩ bãmbã buudã, tɩ rẽnda wilgd Laarab-rãmbã kongame n ka tõog n wa ne Alkʋrãanã buud ye, n lagem ne bãmb n yɩɩd nebã ne zelem pεkã, tɩ wilgdẽ tɩ Alkʋrãanã a yaa sẽn tʋme tɩ yi Wẽnd nengẽ.
Saasã rat n pãrsã yĩngrã, tɩ malεgsã yɩlgd b Soabã ne A pẽkã, la b kot yaafa ne neb nins sẽn be tẽngã zugu, yaa sɩda, ad yaa Wẽnd la Yaafg Naab n yaa Yolsg Naaba.
La yaa woto bal la Tõnd tʋms fo nengẽ Alkʋrãan sẽn yaa laarabiindu, bʋɩl yĩng tɩ f na bugs tẽmsã ma (Maka) la neb nins sẽn gũbg-a wã. La f bugs tɩ sik kae ne tigsgã raar ye, sull n be arzãna pʋgẽ, tɩ sull me be Bugmẽ wã.
Saas la tẽng yẽbgdã, A maana pagb sẽn yi yãmb mensẽ wã n kõ-yã. Rũmsã me yaa yãang la raoogo, A wʋsgdɑ yãmb sẽn tũ ne rẽ. Bũmb pa be n wõnd-A ye, la Yẽnda la a Wʋmd n yaa a Neta.
۞A tuka sor dĩinã pʋg n kõ yãmba, rẽ la A sẽn sagl a Nuuh ne bũmb ningã, rẽ me la bũmb ning Tõnd sẽn tʋms fo nengẽ wã, rẽ me la Tõnd sẽn sagl ne a ɭbraahɩɩm,lɑ a Muusa la Iisa wã, tɩ y yãnas ne dĩinã, la y ra bao n na n wels taab a pʋgẽ ye. Paka logem-n-taarã rãmba, bũmb ning yãmb sẽn boond-b n tʋgdẽ wã, Wẽnd tũusda A sẽn rat soab n pẽneg A menga, la A kãndgd ned ning sẽn lebsd a meng A nengẽ.
La b pa yõs taaba, rẽnda bãngrã sẽn wa b nengẽ poorẽ, kedgr bãmb ne taab suka, la sã n pa gomd sẽn reng taoor n yi fo Soabã nengẽ t'ɑ nɑ n yɑoolɑ nɑngã n tʋg wakat sẽn tar raare, b naan n bʋẽ bãmb ne taab suka. Lɑ sɩdã, b sẽn kõ gafã neb nins tɩ yaa faad ne bãmbã, bãmb reng-tɑoor rãmbã loogr poorẽ, b bee sik pʋgẽ ne-a (Alkʋrãanã), n maand sãmbse.
Rẽ yĩng bɩ f boole (n tʋg sɩda, lɩɩmaoong la zems taaba), la f tẽeg tɩrg wa b sẽn sagl-fã. Ra pʋg b yõyã yamleood ye. Yeele: "M kõo sɩd ne bũmb ning fãa Wẽnd sẽn sikã sẽn yaa gafã. B sagla maam tɩ m tẽeg tɩrg yãmb suka; Wẽnd la tõnd Soab la yãmb Soaba. Tõnd tʋʋm bee ne tõndo, yãmb me tʋʋm bee ne yãmba, tak-n-taar pa be tõnd ne yãmb sʋk ye, Wẽnd n tigimd tõnd ne taaba, la lebeng zĩig yaa Yẽ nengẽ".
Neb nins sẽn maan-b tak-n-taar Wẽnd yellã pʋgẽ wã, nebbã sẽn sak-A poorẽ, bãmb daliilã pa tar võor b Soabã nengẽ ye. Gẽeg n be b zugu, naon-kεgeng me leb n be b zugu.
Bɩ bãmb tara lagem-n-taas tɩ b tuk sor sẽn yaa dĩin n kõ bãmbɑ, Wẽnd sẽn pa kõ sor ne dĩĩn ningɑ. Sã n pa gom wεldgã yĩnga, b naan n bʋ bãmb ne taab sʋka, la ad wẽgdbã tara naong sẽn zabde.
Fo nee wẽgdbã tɩ b yaeesd bũmb ning b sẽn tʋmã rolbo, t'a yaool n na n lʋɩɩ b zugu. Lɑ neb nins sẽn kõ-b sɩd la b tʋm sõmã wã, b bee arzãn pʋtẽ wã, b tara bũmb ning fãa b sẽn tʋll b Soabã nengẽ, woto la pʋɩ-bedrã.
Rẽ la bũmb ning Wẽnd sẽn noogd ne A yembs nins sẽn kõ sɩdã la b tʋm sõmã wã sũyã, yeele : "m pa sokd yãmb keoor a zug ye, rẽnda nonglem rogmã yĩnga". Ned ning sẽn tʋm-a yel-sõmde, D paasd-a-la sõmblem a pʋgẽ, ad Wẽnd yaa yaafg Naaba n yaa bark Pʋʋsda.
Bɩ b yetame: "a pasga zĩrimbeed n rogl Wẽnde". La Wẽnd sã n tʋlla, A pagda fo sũurã. La Wẽnd yẽesda zĩrimbeedã la A sɩdg sɩdã ne A goamã, ad A yaa Mit ne bũmb ning sẽn be yãadẽ wã,
۞Lɑ Wẽnd sã n dɑ yεdg A rɩtlã ne A yembsã b na kedg tẽngã zugu, la ad A sikd-a lame ne alkadr ning A sẽn rate, ad A yaa minim tẽng-n-biig ne A yembsã, n leb n ya Net ne-ba.
La sẽn be A yel-soalmã pʋgẽ, yaa saasã la tẽngã naanego, la bũmb ning A sẽn sãeeg b yiibã pʋgẽ sẽn yaa bõn-kẽndse, la Yẽnda yaa tõogd ne b tiugung t'A sã n rata.
La b sẽn kõ yãmb bũmb ning fãa, yaa dũnĩ vɩɩm wʋm-noogo, la bũmb ning sẽn be Wẽnd nengẽ wã n yɩɩd sõma la kellg ne neb nins sẽn kõ sɩdã la b bobend b mens ne b Soabã.
La ned ning Wẽnd sẽn menemse, a kõn paam lall-n-taag A poorẽ ye. La fo na n yãa wẽgdbã tɩ b sã n wa yã naongã, b yetame: "rẽ yĩnga tõnd tõe n le leba (dũni) bɩ?"
۞Yĩng soab pa yɩ tɩ Wẽnd na n gom ne-a rẽndame tɩ tũ ne Wahɩ maa lill poorẽ, wall b tool tẽn-tʋʋm (malεka) t'a wa ne wahɩ sẽn tũ ne A sor kũuni, A sẽn rate. Ad A yaa sek-m-meng Soab n yaa bʋʋd Mita.
Yaa woto la Tõnd tʋms Vɩɩm (Alkʋrãanã) sẽn yi Tõnd nengẽ, fo rag n ka mi yaa bõe la Gafã, pa Lɩɩmaoong me, La ad Tõnd maan-a lame t'a yaa vẽenem, tɩ D kãndgd ne-a Tõnd sẽn tʋll-a soaba D yembsẽ wã, La sɩd la hakɩɩka, fo kãndgdame n tʋgd sor sẽn yɑɑ tɩrga.
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API specs
Sura translation
GET / https://quranenc.com/api/v1/translation/sura/{translation_key}/{sura_number} description: get the specified translation (by its translation_key) for the speicified sura (by its number)
Parameters: translation_key: (the key of the currently selected translation) sura_number: [1-114] (Sura number in the mosshaf which should be between 1 and 114)
json object containing array of objects, each object contains the "sura", "aya", "translation" and "footnotes".
GET / https://quranenc.com/api/v1/translation/aya/{translation_key}/{sura_number}/{aya_number} description: get the specified translation (by its translation_key) for the speicified aya (by its number sura_number and aya_number)
Parameters: translation_key: (the key of the currently selected translation) sura_number: [1-114] (Sura number in the mosshaf which should be between 1 and 114) aya_number: [1-...] (Aya number in the sura)
json object containing the "sura", "aya", "translation" and "footnotes".