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Important note
It is noteworthy that no matter how accurate any translation of the meanings of the Qur’an may be, it will still fall short in conveying the transcendent meanings of the miraculous Qur’anic text, and that the meanings conveyed by this translation is only the product reached by the extent of the team’s knowledge in understanding this Sacred Book. Hence, this translation cannot be error-free, as is the case with any human endeavor.
Should you have any remarks or recommendations concerning the translation, please do not hesitate to write in the comment box next to each verse on the website, or send us an email via: [email protected]


EQE is a portal featuring free and trustworthy translations of the meanings and exegeses of the noble Qur'an in many world languages. These renditions have been prepared by reliable translators under the careful supervision of specialized bodies. They are both accessible and shareable on social media.


  1. 1. Creating a free electronic reference of the exegeses and translations of the meanings of the noble Qur'an, following the methodology of Ahl-us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa`ah; to replace the unreliable references currently available on the Internet.
  2. 2. Providing a variety of electronic versions of the, translations, exegeses, and other related information that can be used on smart devices, applications, and systems.
  3. 3. Giving free and easy access to authentic translations and exegeses through search engines and global sources of information.
  4. 4. Developing the exegeses and translations by involving specialists and concerned individual in the revision, assessment, and correction of the translations of and information related to Qur'anic verses using electronic assessment and correction systems.

Stages of work:


The best and the most authentic translations and exegeses of the meanings of the Qur'an are compiled to give free access to them in all possible formats.

Content preparation:

The selected translations of the meanings of the Qur'an are entered into the system. The texts are carefully converted and uploaded, so they can easily be saved, retrieved, and shared electronically. The translations will be continuously revised and corrected, Allah willing.

Availability and publication:

A large number of translations of the meanings and exegeses of the noble Qur'an are published on EQE portal, accessible on all systems, smart devices, and electronic networks.

Work criteria:

  1. 1. Ensuring that work is done in a scientific manner, corresponding with the methodology of Ahl-us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa`ah.
  2. 2. The output and originals of the EQE project are freely accessible to all Muslims.
  3. 3. Ensuring a collective participation throughout the foundation and development stages.
  4. 4. Working to high standards of exactitude, using exhaustive sources of information, and referring to specialist scholars.
  5. 5. Continuous development and keeping abreast of technical innovations to effectively disseminate the translations of the meanings of the Book of Allah.
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