Alɩf, Laam, Raa,[1] ad woto yɑɑ Gafã Aayay-rãmbã, la bũmb ning b sẽn sik tɩ yi fo Soabã nengẽ n wa fo nengẽ wã, yẽ lɑ sɩdã, la ad nebã sẽn waoog fãa pa kõt sɩd ye.
[1] Wẽnd n yɩɩd minim ne A sẽn rat ne gʋls-bi tõsdɩ-kãensã. La Gʋls-bi tõsdɩ-kãensã, sẽn be Sʋʋr-kãensã baasgẽ wã, yaa sẽn wilgd Alkʋrãanã sẽn komsd a gees-n-taasã, bala b geesa kɩfr-dãmbã ne Alkʋrãanã, tɩ b kong n ka tõog n wa ne a buud ye, tɩ Alkʋrãanã me -yaool n yaa sẽn tui ne gom-biis nins bãmb goamã sẽn tuit ne wã, sẽn yaa gʋls-bi tõsdɩ bãmbã buudã, tɩ rẽnda wilgd Laarab-rãmbã kongame n ka tõog n wa ne Alkʋrãanã buud ye, n lagem ne bãmb n yɩɩd nebã ne zelem pεkã, tɩ wilgdẽ tɩ Alkʋrãanã a yaa sẽn tʋme tɩ yi Wẽnd nengẽ.
Ad yaa Wẽnd la sẽn zẽk saasã tɩ pa tũ ne zeng-rɑɑd tɩ yãmb neẽ ye, rẽ poorẽ t'A zẽk Naamã Goeel (Al-Ars) zugu, la A wõr wĩndgã la kiuugã tɩ b fãa zoet n na n tãag wakat sẽn yãk toɑɑgɑ. A kẽnesdɑ yεlã la A vẽnegd tɑgmas-rãmbã, tɩ sãnd-sãnde y na mɑɑn bãng-n-wãak ne y Soabã sεgbã.
La yaa Yẽ n yεdg tẽn-gãngã la A ning tãmsã la kʋɩlsã. La A maan tɩ-biis fãa kõbg a yiibu. A lutɑ wĩndgã ne yʋngã tɩ lebg lika. Ad tɑgmas-rãmb be rẽ pʋgẽ ne neb sẽn tagsd n getẽ.
La tẽngã pʋgẽ zĩis n be beenẽ sẽn pẽ tɑɑbɑ, la pʋt sẽn yaɑ sib la kood la tɑmɑr-tɩɩse, sẽn yɑɑ sε-yend lɑ sẽn weel tɑɑbɑ, b fãɑ yũnugdɑ ne koom a yembre, lɑ d yɩɩs-b tɑɑb noomẽ wã, ad woto yaa tɑgmas ne neb nins sẽn tagsdã.
La tɩ fo sã n maand yel-solemde, ad sẽn yɩɩd yel-solemd yaa b sẽn yete: "rẽ yĩnga tõnd sã n lebg tom, tõnd na n le kẽe nɑɑn-pɑɑll pʋgẽ?" ad bãmbã lɑ sẽn kɩflg ne b Soɑbã, bãmb me lɑ bãensã sẽn nɑ n zĩnd b yubliẽ wã. Yaa bãmb la Bugum koɑmbã, b na n paa be.
La b yeta foom tɩ f wa ne yel-wẽndã b nengẽ ne yãgbo, tɑoor tɩ yel-sõmã wã nɑ n pɑ tɑ ɑ tεk ye, la sɩd la hakɩɩka sẽn wõnd-b bãmb sɩbgr renga taoore, la ad fo Soabã yɑɑ yaafg soɑb ne nebã b wẽgbã pʋgẽ, la ad fo Soabã yaa sɩbg-kãenkãe soɑbɑ.
La neb nins sẽn kɩflã yeelame: "bõe yĩng tɩ b pa sik yãoã (Mohammad) zug yel-solemd sẽn yi a Soabã nengẽ?" ad fo yaa bugsd bala, la zãma fãa tara a pɛɛgdɑ.
Ad bee [ninsaal] taoorã la a poorẽ wã malεgs sẽn ledsd taaba n gũud-a ne Wẽnd sagellã. Ad Wẽnd pa toeemd sẽn be ne nebã halɩ tɩ b wa toeem bũmb ning sẽn be ne-ba ye. La wẽnd sã n rat wẽng ne nebɑ, ɑ tusd ka be ye, b leb n pa tar lalld buud zẽng sẽn pa Wẽnd ye.
Yẽ bool n kos la yaa sɩd boolgo! La neb nins sẽn boond-b zẽng sẽn pa Yẽ wã, b pa sakd b yĩng sã n pa wa sẽn tẽeg ɑ nug n nɑ n yõng koom n kẽng ɑ noorẽ, lɑ ɑ kõn n tol n tɑ. Lɑ kɩfr-rãmbã kosgã ne b soab-dãmbã pɑ yɩ rẽndɑ zɑɑlem bɑlɑ.
Yaa Wẽnd A ye bɑl la sẽn be saasẽ la sẽn be tẽng zug gãnegd b mens ne n maand-A Suguudu, ne sɑk-n-tũ bɩ ne tɩlɑe, la b maasmã me mɑɑndɑ boto yibeood lɑ zaabɑ.
Yeele: "Ãnd la saas la tẽng Soabã?" yeele: "yaa Wẽnde". Yeele: " yãmb na n bɑoa lɑll-n-tɑɑs zẽng sẽn pa Wẽnde, (sob-bãmb yaool) n pa tõe n naf b mense, b pa tõe n nams me? Yeel-bɑ, rẽ yĩngã zoang la net zema taab bɩɩ? Bɩ lik ne vẽenem zema taaba? Bɩ b mɑɑn n kõo Wẽnde lagem-n-taas sẽn naan wala Wẽnd naanegã, hal tɩ naanegã wa wõneg taab bãmb nengẽ? Yeele: " Wẽnd la bũmb ɑ fãa Naanda, A yaa a Yembr n yaa Modgr Naaba.
A sikda sãasẽ wã koom tɩ ko-soodã pid ne-ɑ n zems ko-soog fãa yalem, tɩ ko-zotmã wuk puud tɩ zẽke; bũmb ning bãmb sẽn yẽnegd bugmẽ wã, n bɑood faas teed lɑ wʋm-noogã tɑrɑ puud wa rẽ bilgri. Yaa woto la Wẽnd rɩkd sɩdã ne zĩri wã bilg-n-tɑɑre, la sã n yaa ko-puudã a loogda zaalem-zɑɑlem, la sã n yaa sẽn nafd nebã, yẽ kɑoosdɑ tẽngã zugu. Yaa woto la Wẽnd rɩkd bilsgã n wĩnigd nebã tɩ b nɑ tɑll yɑm.
Neb nins sẽn sak b Soabã (boollã) tara sẽn be neerã (Arzãnɑ), la neb nins sẽn pa sak-A wã, baa b sã n da tara sẽn be tẽngã zug fãa la a to sẽn yɑɑ wɑ rẽ n paase, b nɑ rɩk-ɑ n yao n põsg b mengã. Bãmb rãmb tara geelg sẽn yɑɑ wẽnga, tɩ b gãɑg-zĩig yaa Gεhɑnnɑm, la gãag zĩig yɩ wẽnga.
La b maand sugr b Soabã yardã bɑoob yĩngɑ, la b yãnes Pʋʋsgã la b yãkd b arzεgsã Tõnd sẽn kõ-ba n nafdẽ, n solgd n kõtẽ la b vẽnegdẽ, la b tusd wẽng ne sõma, bãmbã rãmb tara baas neere.
Arzãn zĩndidis pʋgẽ la b na n kẽ, n lɑgem sẽn mɑnegɑ n yi b bɑ-rãmbẽ, b zɑgsã-rãmbẽ la b koambẽ, tɩ malεgsã kẽed b nengẽ ne rɑgnoorẽ fãa n beend-b (n yetẽ:)
La neb nins sẽn yidgd Wẽnd pʋlengã b sẽn loe-ɑ poorẽ, la b wãagd alkaool ning Wẽnd sẽn sagl tɩ b tõkã, la b kẽnd tẽngã zug n maand sãangã, ad bãmbã-rãmb lɑ kãabgã sẽn be ne wã la b tɑr bɑɑs-beedo.
Wẽnd n yalgd rɩtlã n kõ A sẽn rat ned ninga la A weoogdẽ, la kɩfr-dãmbã kɩdemdɑ ne dũni vɩɩmã, la dũni vɩɩmã pa fʋɩ yɑoolem rɑɑrã taoor rẽndame tɩ yaa wʋm-noog sẽn yɑɑ gɩrg bɑlɑ.
Tɩ neb nins sẽn kɩflã yeele: " yɑɑ bõe tɩ b pa sik yel-solemd n kõ-ɑ (Mohammad) sẽn yi a Soabã nengẽ?" yeel-bɑ: "ad Wẽnd menesda A sẽn rat-ɑ la A kãndag ned ning sẽn lebs a mengɑ n tʋg Yẽ nengẽ.
Yaa woto la Tõnd tʋms foom n tʋg zamaẽ zãma ɑ taab sẽn reng b tɑoore, sẽn na yɩl n tɩ f karem b zug bũmb ning Tõnd sẽn sik tɩ wɑ fo nengẽ wã, tɩ bãmb yaool n pa kõt sɩd ne yolsg Naabã ye. Yeele:" yaa Yẽ la mam Soabã, soab zẽng ka be sã n pa Yẽ. Yaa Yẽ zug la m bobl m mengã, la yaa Yẽ nengẽ la mam lebgr zĩigɑ.
Lɑ lɑk Kʋrãan sã n da beeme tɩ b kẽnes tãms ne-ɑ, maa tɩ b pãrg tẽngã ne-ɑ, maa b vʋʋgd kũum ne-ɑ (ad rag n na n yɩɩ Alkʋrãan-kãngã). La ad yellã gill fãa bee ne Wẽnde, rẽ yĩngɑ sɩd kõatbã pa bãng tɩ Wẽnd sã n da ratẽ, A rɑg n nɑ kãnd nebã fãa gilli. La neb nins sẽn kɩflã pɑ bak n be toog pʋgẽ b tʋʋm-yoodã yĩngɑ, pɑ rẽ bɩ ɑ (toogã) sigd b zagsã kɩremsẽ hal tɩ Wẽnd pʋlen-wẽngã wa wɑ, ɑd Wẽnd pa viigd pʋleng ye.
Rẽ yĩngɑ, sẽn gũusda yõor fãa sẽn tʋm n sõmb ne tũub bɩ, " bɩ yɑɑ bãmb rʋbsã?''. La ba ne rẽ fãa b naagda lagem-n-taas ne Wẽnde. Yeel-ba:"togs-y tõnd b sẽn yaɑ b rãmb tɩ d gese. Bɩ yãmb wĩnigd-A-lɑ A sẽn pa mi bũmb ning tẽng zugu? Bɩ yɑɑ gom vɩɩd bɑlɑ? " Ayɑe, ɑd sʋɩtãɑn n faas kɩfr-rãmbã rabsgã n kõ-b tɩ b gõdg n yi so-tɩrgã zugu. La ned ning Wẽnd sẽn menemse, a pa na n paam pεεgd ye.
Arzãn ning b sẽn pʋlem wẽn-zoetbã bilgri: ko-sood n zoet a tẽngrã, ɑ tɩ-biisã duumdɑme la a maasmã me. Ad yaa be la wẽn-zoetbã baasgo, lɑ kɩfr-dãmbã baasg yaɑ Bugmẽ.
La neb nins Tõnd sẽn kõ Gafã maanda sũ-noog ne B sẽn sik tɩ wa fo nengẽ wã. Lɑ be sulã pʋgẽ neb sẽn yɑgsd sãndɑ. Yeele: "ad B sagla maam tɩ m tũ Wẽnde la m da maan lagem-n-taar ne-A ye, m boondɑme n tʋgd A nengẽ, m lebr zĩig me yaa Yẽ nengẽ.
La sɩd la hakɩɩka Tõnd tʋma tẽn-tʋʋmb fo taoore, la D mɑɑn tɩ b tɑr pɑgb lɑ koamba, lɑ pa sõmb ne tẽn-tʋʋm t'a wa ne yel-solemd tɩ ka tũ ne Wẽnd n kõ sor ye, sεk fãɑ tara gʋlsem tɩ be sebrẽ.
La ad neb nins sẽn reng bãmb tɑoorã maana raba, la rabr gill yɑɑ Wẽnd n so, A mii yõor fãa sẽn tʋmde, la kɩfr-dãmbã na wɑ n bãng bɑɑs neer sẽn be ne-b rãmbɑ.
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Arama sonuçları:
API specs
Sura translation
GET /{translation_key}/{sura_number} description: get the specified translation (by its translation_key) for the speicified sura (by its number)
Parameters: translation_key: (the key of the currently selected translation) sura_number: [1-114] (Sura number in the mosshaf which should be between 1 and 114)
json object containing array of objects, each object contains the "sura", "aya", "translation" and "footnotes".
GET /{translation_key}/{sura_number}/{aya_number} description: get the specified translation (by its translation_key) for the speicified aya (by its number sura_number and aya_number)
Parameters: translation_key: (the key of the currently selected translation) sura_number: [1-114] (Sura number in the mosshaf which should be between 1 and 114) aya_number: [1-...] (Aya number in the sura)
json object containing the "sura", "aya", "translation" and "footnotes".