የቅዱስ ቁርዓን ይዘት ትርጉም - እንግሊዝኛ ትርጉም - በያዕቆብ * - የትርጉሞች ማዉጫ

የይዘት ትርጉም አንቀጽ: (60) ምዕራፍ: ሱረቱ አን ነጅም
وَتَضۡحَكُونَ وَلَا تَبۡكُونَ
60. And you laugh and do not weep16?
16.Muhammad, God's Messenger delivered a sermon to his companions, the like of which they had never heard from him before. He said, "If you knew what I know, you would laugh little and weep much". Thereupon those present covered their faces and began weeping. The Prophet further said, "Heaven 'Paradise' and HellFire were shown to me and I have never seen the like of this day in good and in evil. If you were to know what I know, you would laugh little and weep much". His Companions experienced such suffering on that day that had no equal. They covered their faces and began to weep. We learn from this that Heaven and Hell are real and do exist. Excessive laughing is improper because it indicates that one is careless and forgetful about the Hereafter. While a believer is required to be all the time alert and careful about it. To weep out of fear of God is praiseworthy because it indicates that one's heart is alive and he is worried about the Hereafter.
የአረብኛ ቁርኣን ማብራሪያ:
የይዘት ትርጉም አንቀጽ: (60) ምዕራፍ: ሱረቱ አን ነጅም
የምዕራፎች ማውጫ የገፅ ቁጥር
የቅዱስ ቁርዓን ይዘት ትርጉም - እንግሊዝኛ ትርጉም - በያዕቆብ - የትርጉሞች ማዉጫ

የተከበረው ቁርአን እንግሊዝኛ ቋንቋ መልዕክተ ትርጉም - በዓብደሏህ ሓሰን ያዕቆብ
