Kuma bã ya kasancẽwa* ga mũmini ya kashe wani mũmini, fãce bisa ga kuskure. Kuma wanda ya kashe mũmini bisa ga kuskure, sai ya 'yanta wuya mũmina tare da mĩƙa diyya ga mutãnensa, ãce idan sun bari sadaka. Sa'an nan idan (wanda aka kashe) ya kasance daga wasu mutãne maƙiya a gare ku, kuma shi mũminine, sai ya 'yanta wuya mũmina. Kuma idan ya kasance daga wasu mutãne ne (waɗanda) a tsakãninku da tsakãninsu akwai alkawari, sai ya bãyar da diyya ga mutãnensa, tare da 'yanta wuya mũmina. To, wanda bai sãmi (wuyan ba) sai azumin watanni biyu jẽre, dõmin tũba daga Allah. Kuma Allah Yã kasance Masani, Mai hikima.
* Kisan kuskure bãbu ƙisãsi a cikinsa, sai dai biyan diyya da kuma kaffãra. Amma biyan diyya yana kan dukkan dangin mai kisan, gwargwadon ƙarfin su, shi ɗaya ne daga cikin su. Idan danginsa ba su isa ba, ko kuwa bãbu su, to, sai baitulmãli na Musulmi ya biya. Ana biyan diyya a cikin shekaru huɗu. Ana bãyar da ita ga magãdan wanda aka kashe. Amma kaffãra ita kam a kan mai kisan kawai take a kan tartĩbinta. Wanda ya kashe bãwa bisa kuskure zai biya ƙĩmarsa ga mai shi, kuma ana son ya yi kaffãra.
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የፍለጋ ዉጤቶች:
API specs
Sura translation
GET / https://quranenc.com/api/v1/translation/sura/{translation_key}/{sura_number} description: get the specified translation (by its translation_key) for the speicified sura (by its number)
Parameters: translation_key: (the key of the currently selected translation) sura_number: [1-114] (Sura number in the mosshaf which should be between 1 and 114)
json object containing array of objects, each object contains the "sura", "aya", "translation" and "footnotes".
GET / https://quranenc.com/api/v1/translation/aya/{translation_key}/{sura_number}/{aya_number} description: get the specified translation (by its translation_key) for the speicified aya (by its number sura_number and aya_number)
Parameters: translation_key: (the key of the currently selected translation) sura_number: [1-114] (Sura number in the mosshaf which should be between 1 and 114) aya_number: [1-...] (Aya number in the sura)
json object containing the "sura", "aya", "translation" and "footnotes".