[1] Wẽnd n yɩɩd minim ne A sẽn rat ne gʋls-bi tõsdɩ-kãensã. La Gʋls-bi tõsdɩ-kãensã, sẽn be Sʋʋr-kãensã baasgẽ wã, yaa sẽn wilgd Alkʋrãanã sẽn komsd a gees-n-taasã, bala b geesa kɩfr-dãmbã ne Alkʋrãanã, tɩ b kong n ka tõog n wa ne a buud ye, tɩ Alkʋrãanã me -yaool n yaa sẽn tui ne gom-biis nins bãmb goamã sẽn tuit ne wã, sẽn yaa gʋls-bi tõsdɩ bãmbã buudã, tɩ rẽnda wilgd Laarab-rãmbã kongame n ka tõog n wa ne Alkʋrãanã buud ye, n lagem ne bãmb n yɩɩd nebã ne zelem pεkã, tɩ wilgdẽ tɩ Alkʋrãanã a yaa sẽn tʋme tɩ yi Wẽnd nengẽ.
Lɑ bee nebã pʋgẽ neb sẽn dɑɑd reem goɑm bʋɩl yĩng tɩ b na menes n bɑs Wẽnd sorã tɩ kɑ yɩ ne bãngr ye lɑ b rɩk-ɑ ne wɩsga, bãmb rãmbã lɑ naong yɑɑndgã be b yĩngã.
A nɑɑnɑ sɑɑsã tɩ pa tũ ne ra-tεεdga tɩ yãmb ne-a ye, lɑ A ning tãms tẽngã pʋgẽ bʋɩl yĩng lɑ ɑ rɑ miim ne yãmb ye, lɑ A sẽeg bõn-yãnemdg bʋud fãɑ ɑ pʋgẽ, lɑ A sik koom tɩ yi sɑɑgẽ wã t'A buls bũmb sẽn tɑr wɑoor buud fãɑ.
Lɑ sɩdɑ Tõnd kõo a Lʋkmɑɑn bʋʋd minim: "pʋʋs Wẽnd barka, ned ning sẽn pʋʋs-a barka yaa a meng yĩng bɑlɑ; lɑ ned ning sẽn kɩfl-a bɩ y bãng tɩ Wẽnd yɑɑ sek-m-meng-soɑb n yɑɑ pẽgr Naaba".
Tẽeg wakat ning a Lʋkmɑɑn sẽn wɑ n yeel ɑ biigã, ɑ sẽn wɑ n sɑgend-ɑ wã: "m biigɑ, ra maan lagem-n-taar ne Wẽnd ye, ad lɑgem-n-tɑɑr yɑɑ wẽgb sẽn bedme".
Lɑ b yiibã sã n pẽdg foom tɩ f lɑgem Mɑɑm ne bũmb fo sẽn kɑ tɑr ɑ bãngre, bɩ f rɑ tũ-b ye, lɑ zĩnd ne b yiibã dũni pʋgẽ ne mɑnegre, lɑ f tũ ned ning sẽn lεbg-ɑ n wɑ Mɑm nengẽ wã sorã. Rẽ poorẽ Mɑm nengẽ lɑ y lebgr zĩiga, tɩ M togs-y y sẽn dɑ yɩ n tʋmdẽ wã.
M biig sõngo! Ba bũmb sã n zems wala goandg biiga, n tɩ be pĩig pʋgẽ, mɑ sɑɑsẽ wã, mɑ tẽngã pʋgẽ, Wẽnd wɑtɑ ne-ɑ, ad Wẽnd yɑɑ Bãng-pẽk nɑɑbɑ n yaa minim tẽng-n-biiga.
Ba tɩ tẽngã zug tɩɩsã fãa sã n da yaa gʋls-moodo [n na n gulse], ba tɩ mogrã sã n lebg rʋba, tɩ b leb n paas-a mog a yopoe, kõon n sek Wẽnd goɑmã gʋlsg tɩ sε ye, ad Wẽnd yɑɑ Windɑ n yɑɑ bʋʋd-mitɑ.
Lɑ ko-wiuug sã n yɩk n lug be b yĩngrã wɑlɑ mɑɑsem lɑ b sẽn boond Wẽnd n yɩlgd b tũudmã ne-A; lɑ A sã n wɑ n tɩlg-b n yi yɩngã lɑ b kẽerã sẽn lebg tɩtaam-rãmba; lɑ kɑ kɩɩsd Tõnd yel-soɑlmã rẽndɑ yel-sõm-zɩt la zãmb-bedr-soaba.
Ad yaa Wẽnd n tɑr dũni wã yikr bãngre; yẽ me n sikd sɑ-koom lɑ A mi sẽn be (pag) rogsẽ. Yõor kɑ mi ɑ sẽn nɑ n pɑɑm beoog ye, yõor kɑ mi ɑ sẽn nɑ n ki tẽng ning ye, ad Wẽnd yɑɑ Bãngd n yɑɑ minim tẽng-n-biigɑ.
4. إبقاء معلومات نسخة الترجمة الموجودة داخل المستند.
5. إفادة المصدر (QuranEnc.com) بأي ملاحظة على الترجمة.
6. تطوير الترجمات وفق النسخ الجديدة الصادرة من المصدر (QuranEnc.com).
7. عدم تضمين إعلانات لا تليق بترجمات معاني القرآن الكريم عند العرض.
نتائج البحث:
API specs
Sura translation
GET / https://quranenc.com/api/v1/translation/sura/{translation_key}/{sura_number} description: get the specified translation (by its translation_key) for the speicified sura (by its number)
Parameters: translation_key: (the key of the currently selected translation) sura_number: [1-114] (Sura number in the mosshaf which should be between 1 and 114)
json object containing array of objects, each object contains the "sura", "aya", "translation" and "footnotes".
GET / https://quranenc.com/api/v1/translation/aya/{translation_key}/{sura_number}/{aya_number} description: get the specified translation (by its translation_key) for the speicified aya (by its number sura_number and aya_number)
Parameters: translation_key: (the key of the currently selected translation) sura_number: [1-114] (Sura number in the mosshaf which should be between 1 and 114) aya_number: [1-...] (Aya number in the sura)
json object containing the "sura", "aya", "translation" and "footnotes".