[1] Wẽnd n yɩɩd minim ne A sẽn rat ne gʋls-bi tõsdɩ-kãensã. La Gʋls-bi tõsdɩ-kãensã, sẽn be Sʋʋr-kãensã baasgẽ wã, yaa sẽn wilgd Alkʋrãanã sẽn komsd a gees-n-taasã, bala b geesa kɩfr-dãmbã ne Alkʋrãanã, tɩ b kong n ka tõog n wa ne a buud ye, tɩ Alkʋrãanã me -yaool n yaa sẽn tui ne gom-biis nins bãmb goamã sẽn tuit ne wã, sẽn yaa gʋls-bi tõsdɩ bãmbã buudã, tɩ rẽnda wilgd Laarab-rãmbã kongame n ka tõog n wa ne Alkʋrãanã buud ye, n lagem ne bãmb n yɩɩd nebã ne zelem pεkã, tɩ wilgdẽ tɩ Alkʋrãanã a yaa sẽn tʋme tɩ yi Wẽnd nengẽ.
Gεhannem bee b poorẽ n gũud-bɑ. Bũmb ning bãmb sẽn paamã ka na n naf-b ba fʋɩ, b sẽn rɩk-b rãmb n maan lall-n-taas zẽng tɩ pa Wẽndã me, pa naf-d ba fʋɩ! La b tara namsg sẽn yaa zɩsgo.
۞Wẽnd la Soab ning sẽn wõr mogrã n kõ yãmbã, bʋɩl yĩng tɩ koom kogendã na zoe a zug ne A sagelle, la y sẽn na paam A kũunã yĩnga, tɩ sand-sãnde y na pʋʋs barka.
La D kõ-b vẽenem yellã pʋgẽ. La b pa yõs taaba rẽndame tɩ yaa bãngrã sẽn wa bãmb nengẽ poore, tɩ yaa kedgr bãmb ne taab sʋka. Ad fo Soabã n na n bʋ bãmb ne taab sʋk Dũni Yikr raare, b sẽn da yɩ n yõsd taab bũmb ning zugã.
Fo pa yã sẽn rɩk-a a yamleoog tɩ yaa a soaba, tɩ Wẽnd menems-a bãngr zugu, n pag a tʋbã la a sũurã, n ning a ninẽ wã lutsi, yaa ãnd n na n pεεg-a Wẽnd poorẽ, Y pa na n tags n gese?
La b yeele: "vɩɩm kae tɩ sã n ka Dũni vɩɩmã ye, tɩ d kɩɩdẽ la d vɩɩmdẽ, la bũmb pa kʋʋd tõnd rẽnda zamaanã bala". La bãmb ka tar bãngr buud ne rẽ ye, b pa yɩ, rẽndame tɩ yaa b sẽn tẽed bala.
La sã n yaa sẽn kɩfl-bã (Wẽnd yet-b lame): "rẽ yĩngã Mam Aaya-rãmbã, b ra pa yɩ n karemd-b yãmb zugu, tɩ yãmb waoog y mense, la y ra yɩ n yaa nin-wẽnse?".
La b sã n yeel tɩ Wẽnd pʋlengã yaa sɩda, la Dũni Yikrã sik ka a pʋgẽ, yãmb yetame: "tõnd pa mi Dũni Yirk ye, tõnd pa tẽed rẽndame tɩ yaa sãmbs bala, la tõnd pa yɩ n yaa bãng-n-wãag rãmb ye".
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অনুসন্ধানৰ ফলাফল:
API specs
Sura translation
GET / https://quranenc.com/api/v1/translation/sura/{translation_key}/{sura_number} description: get the specified translation (by its translation_key) for the speicified sura (by its number)
Parameters: translation_key: (the key of the currently selected translation) sura_number: [1-114] (Sura number in the mosshaf which should be between 1 and 114)
json object containing array of objects, each object contains the "sura", "aya", "translation" and "footnotes".
GET / https://quranenc.com/api/v1/translation/aya/{translation_key}/{sura_number}/{aya_number} description: get the specified translation (by its translation_key) for the speicified aya (by its number sura_number and aya_number)
Parameters: translation_key: (the key of the currently selected translation) sura_number: [1-114] (Sura number in the mosshaf which should be between 1 and 114) aya_number: [1-...] (Aya number in the sura)
json object containing the "sura", "aya", "translation" and "footnotes".