Translation of the Meanings of the Noble Qur'an - Greek translation * - Translations’ Index

Translation of the meanings Ayah: (77) Surah: Yā-Sīn
أَوَلَمۡ يَرَ ٱلۡإِنسَٰنُ أَنَّا خَلَقۡنَٰهُ مِن نُّطۡفَةٖ فَإِذَا هُوَ خَصِيمٞ مُّبِينٞ
Δε βλέπει ο άνθρωπος ότι τον δημιουργήσαμε από (αδύναμες) σταγόνες (εκκρίσεων των δύο φύλων), και έπειτα αυτός (γίνεται αλαζονικός και αχάριστος και) διαφωνεί πολύ και ξεκάθαρα (διαψεύδοντας την ανάσταση)!
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
Translation of the meanings Ayah: (77) Surah: Yā-Sīn
Surahs’ Index Page Number
Translation of the Meanings of the Noble Qur'an - Greek translation - Translations’ Index

Translation of the meanings of the Noble Qur’an into the Greek language, translated by the team of the Rowad Translation Center in cooperation with
