Translation of the Meanings of the Noble Qur'an - Italian Translation of Al-Mukhtasar in interpreting the Noble Quran * - Translations’ Index

Translation of the meanings Ayah: (55) Surah: An-Najm
فَبِأَيِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكَ تَتَمَارَىٰ
Di quali chiari Segni che mostrano la Potenza del tuo Dio discuti e non ti convinci, o uomo?!
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
Benefits of the verses in this page:
• عدم التأثر بالقرآن نذير شؤم.
• Essere indifferenti al Corano è un pessimo segno.

• خطر اتباع الهوى على النفس في الدنيا والآخرة.
• Sul pericolo di seguire il vizio sia in vita che nell'Aldilà.

• عدم الاتعاظ بهلاك الأمم صفة من صفات الكفار.
• Non prendere atto della distruzione degli altri popoli è una caratteristica dei miscredenti.

Translation of the meanings Ayah: (55) Surah: An-Najm
Surahs’ Index Page Number
Translation of the Meanings of the Noble Qur'an - Italian Translation of Al-Mukhtasar in interpreting the Noble Quran - Translations’ Index

Italian Translation of Al-Mukhtasar in interpreting the Noble Quran, issued by Tafsir Center
