Terjemahan makna Alquran Alkarim - Terjemahan Berbahasa Inggris - Yakub * - Daftar isi terjemahan

Terjemahan makna Ayah: (6) Surah: Surah Al-Insyiqāq
يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلۡإِنسَٰنُ إِنَّكَ كَادِحٌ إِلَىٰ رَبِّكَ كَدۡحٗا فَمُلَٰقِيهِ
6. O man, you are striving toward (the encounter with) your Lord (i.e., after your death) a hard striving, and you will meet (the results of your deeds)2.
2 So be merciful to your fellow men, practice righteousness and charity, as we will indeed meet Allāh, and receive just rewards for our deeds and our intentions.
Tafsir berbahasa Arab:
Terjemahan makna Ayah: (6) Surah: Surah Al-Insyiqāq
Daftar surah Nomor Halaman
Terjemahan makna Alquran Alkarim - Terjemahan Berbahasa Inggris - Yakub - Daftar isi terjemahan

Terjemahan Makna Al-Qur`ān Al-Karīm ke Bahasa Inggris oleh Abdullah Hasan Yakub.
