Kilniojo Korano reikšmių vertimas - Anglų k. vertimas - Jakūb * - Vertimų turinys

Reikšmių vertimas Aja (Korano eilutė): (63) Sūra: Sūra Al-Furkan
وَعِبَادُ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ ٱلَّذِينَ يَمۡشُونَ عَلَى ٱلۡأَرۡضِ هَوۡنٗا وَإِذَا خَاطَبَهُمُ ٱلۡجَٰهِلُونَ قَالُواْ سَلَٰمٗا
63. The (true) servants of the Most Compassionate 'Allāh' are those who walk on the earth in humbleness, and when the foolish address them (improperly), they say: (Words of) peace20.
20. I.e., address them with mild words of gentleness, avoiding improper words and harshness.
Muhammad, God's Messenger ﷺ said, "Allāh loves one who is righteous, independent, obscure". It is he who have a strong faith in Allāh and do good deeds out of love for Him and abstain from sins, who do not ask from others, rather work hard to earn for his livelihood, who is obscure and unnoticed and do not seek fame or recognition but rather do good deeds out of pure intentions without expecting anything in return, and who demonstrate humility, selflessness, and faithfulness towards Allāh.
Tafsyrai arabų kalba:
Reikšmių vertimas Aja (Korano eilutė): (63) Sūra: Sūra Al-Furkan
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Kilniojo Korano reikšmių vertimas - Anglų k. vertimas - Jakūb - Vertimų turinys

Kilniojo Korano reikšmių vertimas į anglų k., išvertė Abdullah Chasan Jakūb.
