Vertaling van de betekenissen Edele Qur'an - Engelse vertaling - Ya'qub * - Index van vertaling

Vertaling van de betekenissen Vers: (132) Surah: Soerat An-nisa (de vrouwen)
وَلِلَّهِ مَا فِي ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَمَا فِي ٱلۡأَرۡضِۚ وَكَفَىٰ بِٱللَّهِ وَكِيلًا
132. To Allāh belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. Allāh is Enough as Trustee55.
55. Wakīl (Al-Wakīl) is one of the most Beautiful Names of Allāh. It means, the Sustainer of the Universe, its Preserver, the Dispenser of its affairs with His Knowledge and Wisdom, and the Witness of everything, Glory be His. This Name entails that Allāh is the Most Trustworthy, the Dependable Advocate of perfect resolution.
Arabische uitleg van de Qur'an:
Vertaling van de betekenissen Vers: (132) Surah: Soerat An-nisa (de vrouwen)
Surah's Index Pagina nummer
Vertaling van de betekenissen Edele Qur'an - Engelse vertaling - Ya'qub - Index van vertaling

De vertaling van de betekenissen van de Edele Koran naar het Nederlands, vertaald door Abdullah Hasan Ya'qub.
