Ewe Mtume! Wasikuhuzunishe wa fanyao haraka kukufuru, miongoni mwa wanao sema kwa vinywa vyao: Tumeamini, na hali nyoyo zao hazikuamini, na miongoni mwa Mayahudi, wanao sikiliza kwa ajili ya uwongo, wanao sikiliza kwa ajili ya watu wengine wasio kufikia. Wao huyabadilisha maneno kutoka pahala pake. Wanasema: Mkipewa haya basi yashikeni, na msipo pewa haya tahadharini. Na mtu ambaye Mwenyezi Mungu anataka kumfitini huwezi kuwa na madaraka naye mbele ya Mwenyezi Mungu. Hao ndio ambao Mwenyezi Mungu hataki kuzitakasa nyoyo zao. Watakuwa na hizaya duniani, na Akhera watakuwa na adhabu kubwa.
Ewe Mtume! Visikuhuzunishe vitendo vya makafiri wanao wania ukafiri wa kila aina, hawa wadanganyifu wenye khadaa wasemao kwa ndimi zao: Tumeamini, ilhali nyoyo zao hazifuati haki. Na miongoni mwa Mayahudi wapo wanao kithiri kusikiliza uzushi wa makohani wao na wanayakubali, na wanakisikiliza na kukikubali kikundi maalumu miongoni mwao, na hawaji barazani kwako kwa sababu ya kiburi na chuki! Na hawa huyageuza maneno ya Taurati kutokana pahala pake, baada ya Mwenyezi Mungu kwisha yasimamisha na kuyahukumia! Nao huwaambia wafwasi wao: Mkipewa maneno haya yaliyo potoshwa na kubadilishwa yakubalini na muyafuate. Na kama mkipewa mengine tahadharini nayo msiyakubali. Basi, ewe Mtume! Usihuzunike Mwenyezi Mungu akimhukumia mtu kupotea kwa kumziba moyo wake, wewe hutoweza kumwongoa, au kumnafiisha kwa chochote asicho mtakia Mwenyezi Mungu. Na hao ndio walio pita mipaka katika upotovu na inda. Mwenyezi Mungu Mwenyewe hakutaka kuzisafisha nyoyo zao na uchafu wa chuki, na inadi, na ukafiri. Duniani watapata madhila, kwa kufedheheka na kushindwa, na Akhera watapata adhabu kuu.
Contents of the translations can be downloaded and re-published, with the following terms and conditions:
1. No modification, addition, or deletion of the content.
2. Clearly referring to the publisher and the source (QuranEnc.com).
3. Mentioning the version number when re-publishing the translation.
4. Keeping the transcript information inside the document.
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6. Updating the translation according to the latest version issued from the source (QuranEnc.com).
7. Inappropriate advertisements must not be included when displaying translations of the meanings of the Noble Quran.
API specs
Sura translation
GET / https://quranenc.com/api/v1/translation/sura/{translation_key}/{sura_number} description: get the specified translation (by its translation_key) for the speicified sura (by its number)
Parameters: translation_key: (the key of the currently selected translation) sura_number: [1-114] (Sura number in the mosshaf which should be between 1 and 114)
json object containing array of objects, each object contains the "sura", "aya", "translation" and "footnotes".
GET / https://quranenc.com/api/v1/translation/aya/{translation_key}/{sura_number}/{aya_number} description: get the specified translation (by its translation_key) for the speicified aya (by its number sura_number and aya_number)
Parameters: translation_key: (the key of the currently selected translation) sura_number: [1-114] (Sura number in the mosshaf which should be between 1 and 114) aya_number: [1-...] (Aya number in the sura)
json object containing the "sura", "aya", "translation" and "footnotes".