40. The recompense of an injury is punishment like it, but whoever pardons and makes reconciliation, they will have their reward from Allāh. He certainly does not like the unjust13.
13. The Prophet Muhammad (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him), as part of what he narrated from his Lord, said that Allah Almighty said: "O My slaves, I have made oppression forbidden for Myself, and I have made it forbidden amongst you, so do not oppress one another. O My slaves, all of you are misguided except those whom I guide, so seek guidance from Me, and I shall guide you. O My slaves, all of you are hungry except those whom I feed, so ask Me for food, and I shall feed you. O My slaves, all of you are naked except those whom I clothe, so ask Me for clothes, and I shall clothe you. O My slaves, you commit sins by night and day, and I forgive all sins, so ask Me for forgiveness, and I shall forgive you. O, My slaves, you can neither do Me harm nor do Me any good. O My slaves, if the first and the last amongst you and all humans and jinn were all as pious as the most pious heart of any man amongst you, that would add nothing to My dominion. O My slaves, if the first and the last amongst you and all humans and jinn were all as wicked as the most wicked heart of any man amongst you, this would cause no loss to My dominion. O My slaves, if the first and the last amongst you and all humans and jinn were all to stand together in one place and ask of Me, and I were to give everyone what he asked for, that would not decrease what I possess, except what is decreased of the sea when a needle is dipped into it. O, My slaves, it is only your deeds that I record for, and I shall recompense you for them. So, whoever finds good should praise Allah, and whoever finds other than that should blame no one but himself."
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API specs
Sura translation
GET / https://quranenc.com/api/v1/translation/sura/{translation_key}/{sura_number} description: get the specified translation (by its translation_key) for the speicified sura (by its number)
Parameters: translation_key: (the key of the currently selected translation) sura_number: [1-114] (Sura number in the mosshaf which should be between 1 and 114)
json object containing array of objects, each object contains the "sura", "aya", "translation" and "footnotes".
GET / https://quranenc.com/api/v1/translation/aya/{translation_key}/{sura_number}/{aya_number} description: get the specified translation (by its translation_key) for the speicified aya (by its number sura_number and aya_number)
Parameters: translation_key: (the key of the currently selected translation) sura_number: [1-114] (Sura number in the mosshaf which should be between 1 and 114) aya_number: [1-...] (Aya number in the sura)
json object containing the "sura", "aya", "translation" and "footnotes".