Prijevod značenja časnog Kur'ana - Engleski prijevod - Hilali and Khan * - Sadržaj prijevodā

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Prijevod značenja Ajet: (28) Sura: Sura ez-Zarijat
فَأَوۡجَسَ مِنۡهُمۡ خِيفَةٗۖ قَالُواْ لَا تَخَفۡۖ وَبَشَّرُوهُ بِغُلَٰمٍ عَلِيمٖ
 28. Then he conceived fear of them (when they ate not). They said: "Fear not."[2] And they gave him glad tidings of a son having knowledge (about Allâh and His religion of True Monotheism).
(V.51:28) i.e. when the angels noticed some fear over the face of Abraham, they told him that they are Allâh’s messengers. And they also gave the glad news to his wife Sarah that she will give birth to a son (Isaac).
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Prijevod značenja Ajet: (28) Sura: Sura ez-Zarijat
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Prijevod značenja časnog Kur'ana - Engleski prijevod - Hilali and Khan - Sadržaj prijevodā

Prijevod značenja Plemenitog Kur'ana na engleski jezik - Taqiud-Din Al-Hilali and Muhsen Khan, izdato od strane "Al-Muntada Al-Islami" and i štampano od strane Kompleksa kralja Fehda za štampanje Kur'ana u Medini, 1417. hidžretske godine.
