Translation of the Meanings of the Noble Qur'an - N'ko translation - Baba Mamadi * - Translations’ Index

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Translation of the meanings Ayah: (7) Surah: Al-Hashr
مَّآ أَفَآءَ ٱللَّهُ عَلَىٰ رَسُولِهِۦ مِنۡ أَهۡلِ ٱلۡقُرَىٰ فَلِلَّهِ وَلِلرَّسُولِ وَلِذِي ٱلۡقُرۡبَىٰ وَٱلۡيَتَٰمَىٰ وَٱلۡمَسَٰكِينِ وَٱبۡنِ ٱلسَّبِيلِ كَيۡ لَا يَكُونَ دُولَةَۢ بَيۡنَ ٱلۡأَغۡنِيَآءِ مِنكُمۡۚ وَمَآ ءَاتَىٰكُمُ ٱلرَّسُولُ فَخُذُوهُ وَمَا نَهَىٰكُمۡ عَنۡهُ فَٱنتَهُواْۚ وَٱتَّقُواْ ٱللَّهَۖ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ شَدِيدُ ٱلۡعِقَابِ
ߊߟߊ߫ ߓߊ߯ ߡߌ߬ߙߌ߲߬ߕߣߐ ߡߍ߲ ߠߊߛߊ߬ߦߌ߲߬ ߊ߬ ߟߊ߫ ߞߋߟߊ ߡߊ߬ ߘߎ߰ ߡߌߛߍ߲ ߠߎ߫ ߘߏ߲߬ߞߏ ߟߎ߫ ߞߎ߲߬ ߏ߬ ߦߋ߫ ߊߟߊ߫ ߕߊ ߟߋ߬ ߘߌ߫ ߸ ߊ߬ ߣߌ߫ ߞߋߟߊ ߕߊ ߣߌ߫ ߡߊ߬ߛߎ߬ߘߎ߲߬ߧߊ߬ߓߊ߮ ߟߎ߬ ߣߌ߫ ߝߊߙߌߕߊ ߟߎ߬ ߣߌ߫ ߘߐ߰ߕߐ ߟߎ߬ ߣߌ߫ ߛߌߟߊߘߋ߲ ߠߎ߬ ߕߊ ، ߏ߬ ߞߎ߲߭ ߠߋ߬ ߊ߬ ߞߊߣߊ߬ ߞߍ߫ ߝߌߙߌ߲ߝߌߙߌ߲ߕߊ߫ ߘߌ߫ ߓߊ߬ߣߊ ߟߎ߬ ߕߍ߫ ߊߟߎ߫ ߘߐ߫ ، ߞߋߟߊ ߓߊ߯ ߡߍ߲ ߘߴߊߟߎ߫ ߡߊ߬ ߊߟߎ߯ ߏ߬ ߡߌ߬ߘߊ߬ ߸ ߊ߬ ߓߊ߯ ߊߟߎ߫ ߜߍ߲߫ ߡߍ߲ ߡߊ߬ ߊߟߎ߯ ߝߘߊ߫ ߏ߬ ߟߊ߫ ߸ ߊ߬ ߣߴߊߟߎ߫ ߦߴߊߟߎ߫ ߝߊ߲ߕߊ߲߬ߞߊ߬ ߊߟߊ߫ ߡߊ߬ ߘߋ߬ ، ߓߊߏ߬ ߊߟߊ߫ ߸ ߓߌ߲߬ߓߊ߬ߏ߬ ߜߍߟߍ߲ ߕߌ߱ ߟߴߊ߬ ߘߌ߫ ߘߋ߬
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
Translation of the meanings Ayah: (7) Surah: Al-Hashr
Surahs’ Index Page Number
Translation of the Meanings of the Noble Qur'an - N'ko translation - Baba Mamadi - Translations’ Index

Translation of the meanings of the Noble Qur'an into the N'ko language, translated by Karamo / Baba Mamadi Jani.
