Terjemahan makna Alquran Alkarim - Terjemahan Berbahasa Inggris - Pusat Terjemah Ruwwād * - Daftar isi terjemahan

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Terjemahan makna Ayah: (24) Surah: Surah Al-Jāṡiyah
وَقَالُواْ مَا هِيَ إِلَّا حَيَاتُنَا ٱلدُّنۡيَا نَمُوتُ وَنَحۡيَا وَمَا يُهۡلِكُنَآ إِلَّا ٱلدَّهۡرُۚ وَمَا لَهُم بِذَٰلِكَ مِنۡ عِلۡمٍۖ إِنۡ هُمۡ إِلَّا يَظُنُّونَ
And they say, “There is nothing but our life of this world: we die and we live[7], and nothing causes us to die except time.” They have no knowledge of that; they only speculate.
[7] i.e., some of us die without return, and others are born replacing them.
Tafsir berbahasa Arab:
Terjemahan makna Ayah: (24) Surah: Surah Al-Jāṡiyah
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Terjemahan makna Alquran Alkarim - Terjemahan Berbahasa Inggris - Pusat Terjemah Ruwwād - Daftar isi terjemahan

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