وه‌رگێڕانی ماناكانی قورئانی پیرۆز - وەرگێڕاوی ئینگلیزی - یەعقوب * - پێڕستی وه‌رگێڕاوه‌كان

وه‌رگێڕانی ماناكان ئایه‌تی: (1) سوره‌تی: سورەتی إبراهیم


الٓرۚ كِتَٰبٌ أَنزَلۡنَٰهُ إِلَيۡكَ لِتُخۡرِجَ ٱلنَّاسَ مِنَ ٱلظُّلُمَٰتِ إِلَى ٱلنُّورِ بِإِذۡنِ رَبِّهِمۡ إِلَىٰ صِرَٰطِ ٱلۡعَزِيزِ ٱلۡحَمِيدِ
1. Alif Laam Ra¹. (This is) a Book which We have revealed to you 'Muhammad' that you may bring forth the people from the utter darknesses into the light², by their Lord’s Permission, to the Path of the All-Mighty, the Praiseworthy.
1. The Qur’an is made up of such letters from the Arabic alphabet. The Arabs at the time of revelation were the unmatched masters of the Arabic language and yet when challenged were totally unable to bring anything like the Qur’an. Although these disjointed Arabic letters are referring to the inimitable nature of the Qur’an and its divine source, God knows best its meaning.
2. If we claim to have faith in Allāh and His last and final messenger Muhammad and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. But if we walk in the light, have fellowship with one another, love one another as believers of Allāh, help one another, keep to Allah’s Commandments and shun evil, Allāh (God) will purify us from all sin. Mohammad, the messenger of God (ﷺ) said: "Purification is half of the faith, saying al-Hamdu Lillāh (all praise and gratitude is for Allāh alone) fills the scale, Subhanallāh (Glory be to Allāh) and Al-Hamdu Lillāh fill up what is between the heavens and the earth. The prayer is a light, giving charity is proof of one's faith, patience and endurance is a brightness. The Qur'an is a proof on your behalf or against you. All men go out early in the morning and sell themselves, thereby setting themselves free from Hell by following righteousness and charity or destroying themselves by committing polytheists and sins which will lead to Hell."
تەفسیرە عەرەبیەکان:
وه‌رگێڕانی ماناكان ئایه‌تی: (1) سوره‌تی: سورەتی إبراهیم
پێڕستی سوره‌ته‌كان ژمارەی پەڕە
وه‌رگێڕانی ماناكانی قورئانی پیرۆز - وەرگێڕاوی ئینگلیزی - یەعقوب - پێڕستی وه‌رگێڕاوه‌كان

وەرگێڕاوی ماناکانی قورئانی پیرۆز بۆ زمانی ئینگلیزی، وەرگێڕان: عبد الله حەسەن یەعقوب.
