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แปลความหมาย​ สูเราะฮ์: Maryam   อายะฮ์:


(1) Kāf, Hā, Yā, ʿAyn, Ṣād.[806]
[806]- See footnote to 2:1.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
ذِكۡرُ رَحۡمَتِ رَبِّكَ عَبۡدَهُۥ زَكَرِيَّآ
(2) [This is] a mention of the mercy of your Lord to His servant Zechariah
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
إِذۡ نَادَىٰ رَبَّهُۥ نِدَآءً خَفِيّٗا
(3) When he called to his Lord a private call [i.e., supplication].
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
قَالَ رَبِّ إِنِّي وَهَنَ ٱلۡعَظۡمُ مِنِّي وَٱشۡتَعَلَ ٱلرَّأۡسُ شَيۡبٗا وَلَمۡ أَكُنۢ بِدُعَآئِكَ رَبِّ شَقِيّٗا
(4) He said, "My Lord, indeed my bones have weakened, and my head has filled[807] with white, and never have I been in my supplication to You, my Lord, unhappy [i.e., disappointed].
[807]- Literally, "ignited." The spread of white hair throughout the head is likened to that of fire in the bush.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَإِنِّي خِفۡتُ ٱلۡمَوَٰلِيَ مِن وَرَآءِي وَكَانَتِ ٱمۡرَأَتِي عَاقِرٗا فَهَبۡ لِي مِن لَّدُنكَ وَلِيّٗا
(5) And indeed, I fear the successors[808] after me, and my wife has been barren, so give me from Yourself an heir
[808]- Those relatives from the father's side who would inherit religious authority.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
يَرِثُنِي وَيَرِثُ مِنۡ ءَالِ يَعۡقُوبَۖ وَٱجۡعَلۡهُ رَبِّ رَضِيّٗا
(6) Who will inherit me[809] and inherit from the family of Jacob. And make him, my Lord, pleasing [to You]."
[809]- Inherit from me religious knowledge and prophethood.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
يَٰزَكَرِيَّآ إِنَّا نُبَشِّرُكَ بِغُلَٰمٍ ٱسۡمُهُۥ يَحۡيَىٰ لَمۡ نَجۡعَل لَّهُۥ مِن قَبۡلُ سَمِيّٗا
(7) [He was told],[810] "O Zechariah, indeed We give you good tidings of a boy whose name will be John. We have not assigned to any before [this] name."
[810]- By Allāh (subḥānahu wa taʿālā) through the angels.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
قَالَ رَبِّ أَنَّىٰ يَكُونُ لِي غُلَٰمٞ وَكَانَتِ ٱمۡرَأَتِي عَاقِرٗا وَقَدۡ بَلَغۡتُ مِنَ ٱلۡكِبَرِ عِتِيّٗا
(8) He said, "My Lord, how will I have a boy when my wife has been barren and I have reached extreme old age?"
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
قَالَ كَذَٰلِكَ قَالَ رَبُّكَ هُوَ عَلَيَّ هَيِّنٞ وَقَدۡ خَلَقۡتُكَ مِن قَبۡلُ وَلَمۡ تَكُ شَيۡـٔٗا
(9) [An angel] said, "Thus [it will be]; your Lord says, 'It is easy for Me, for I created you before, while you were nothing.'"
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
قَالَ رَبِّ ٱجۡعَل لِّيٓ ءَايَةٗۖ قَالَ ءَايَتُكَ أَلَّا تُكَلِّمَ ٱلنَّاسَ ثَلَٰثَ لَيَالٖ سَوِيّٗا
(10) [Zechariah] said, "My Lord, make for me a sign." He said, "Your sign is that you will not speak to the people for three nights, [being] sound."[811]
[811]- i.e., without illness or defect.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
فَخَرَجَ عَلَىٰ قَوۡمِهِۦ مِنَ ٱلۡمِحۡرَابِ فَأَوۡحَىٰٓ إِلَيۡهِمۡ أَن سَبِّحُواْ بُكۡرَةٗ وَعَشِيّٗا
(11) So he came out to his people from the prayer chamber and signaled to them to exalt [Allāh] in the morning and afternoon.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
يَٰيَحۡيَىٰ خُذِ ٱلۡكِتَٰبَ بِقُوَّةٖۖ وَءَاتَيۡنَٰهُ ٱلۡحُكۡمَ صَبِيّٗا
(12) [Allāh said], "O John, take the Scripture [i.e., adhere to it] with determination." And We gave him judgement [while yet] a boy
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَحَنَانٗا مِّن لَّدُنَّا وَزَكَوٰةٗۖ وَكَانَ تَقِيّٗا
(13) And affection from Us and purity, and he was fearing of Allāh
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَبَرَّۢا بِوَٰلِدَيۡهِ وَلَمۡ يَكُن جَبَّارًا عَصِيّٗا
(14) And dutiful to his parents, and he was not a disobedient tyrant.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَسَلَٰمٌ عَلَيۡهِ يَوۡمَ وُلِدَ وَيَوۡمَ يَمُوتُ وَيَوۡمَ يُبۡعَثُ حَيّٗا
(15) And peace be upon him the day he was born and the day he dies and the day he is raised alive.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَٱذۡكُرۡ فِي ٱلۡكِتَٰبِ مَرۡيَمَ إِذِ ٱنتَبَذَتۡ مِنۡ أَهۡلِهَا مَكَانٗا شَرۡقِيّٗا
(16) And mention, [O Muḥammad], in the Book [the story of] Mary, when she withdrew from her family to a place toward the east.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
فَٱتَّخَذَتۡ مِن دُونِهِمۡ حِجَابٗا فَأَرۡسَلۡنَآ إِلَيۡهَا رُوحَنَا فَتَمَثَّلَ لَهَا بَشَرٗا سَوِيّٗا
(17) And she took, in seclusion from them, a screen. Then We sent to her Our Angel [i.e., Gabriel], and he represented himself to her as a well-proportioned man.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
قَالَتۡ إِنِّيٓ أَعُوذُ بِٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ مِنكَ إِن كُنتَ تَقِيّٗا
(18) She said, "Indeed, I seek refuge in the Most Merciful from you, [so leave me], if you should be fearing of Allāh."
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
قَالَ إِنَّمَآ أَنَا۠ رَسُولُ رَبِّكِ لِأَهَبَ لَكِ غُلَٰمٗا زَكِيّٗا
(19) He said, "I am only the messenger of your Lord to give you [news of] a pure boy [i.e., son]."
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
قَالَتۡ أَنَّىٰ يَكُونُ لِي غُلَٰمٞ وَلَمۡ يَمۡسَسۡنِي بَشَرٞ وَلَمۡ أَكُ بَغِيّٗا
(20) She said, "How can I have a boy while no man has touched me and I have not been unchaste?"
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
قَالَ كَذَٰلِكِ قَالَ رَبُّكِ هُوَ عَلَيَّ هَيِّنٞۖ وَلِنَجۡعَلَهُۥٓ ءَايَةٗ لِّلنَّاسِ وَرَحۡمَةٗ مِّنَّاۚ وَكَانَ أَمۡرٗا مَّقۡضِيّٗا
(21) He said, "Thus [it will be]; your Lord says, 'It is easy for Me, and We will make him a sign to the people and a mercy from Us. And it is a matter [already] decreed.'"
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
۞ فَحَمَلَتۡهُ فَٱنتَبَذَتۡ بِهِۦ مَكَانٗا قَصِيّٗا
(22) So she conceived him, and she withdrew with him to a remote place.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
فَأَجَآءَهَا ٱلۡمَخَاضُ إِلَىٰ جِذۡعِ ٱلنَّخۡلَةِ قَالَتۡ يَٰلَيۡتَنِي مِتُّ قَبۡلَ هَٰذَا وَكُنتُ نَسۡيٗا مَّنسِيّٗا
(23) And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm tree. She said, "Oh, I wish I had died before this and was in oblivion, forgotten."
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
فَنَادَىٰهَا مِن تَحۡتِهَآ أَلَّا تَحۡزَنِي قَدۡ جَعَلَ رَبُّكِ تَحۡتَكِ سَرِيّٗا
(24) But he[812] called her from below her, "Do not grieve; your Lord has provided beneath you a stream.
[812]- There is a difference of opinion among scholars as to whether "he" refers to the baby or to the angel.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَهُزِّيٓ إِلَيۡكِ بِجِذۡعِ ٱلنَّخۡلَةِ تُسَٰقِطۡ عَلَيۡكِ رُطَبٗا جَنِيّٗا
(25) And shake toward you the trunk of the palm tree; it will drop upon you ripe, fresh dates.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
فَكُلِي وَٱشۡرَبِي وَقَرِّي عَيۡنٗاۖ فَإِمَّا تَرَيِنَّ مِنَ ٱلۡبَشَرِ أَحَدٗا فَقُولِيٓ إِنِّي نَذَرۡتُ لِلرَّحۡمَٰنِ صَوۡمٗا فَلَنۡ أُكَلِّمَ ٱلۡيَوۡمَ إِنسِيّٗا
(26) So eat and drink and be contented. And if you see from among humanity anyone, say, 'Indeed, I have vowed to the Most Merciful abstention, so I will not speak today to [any] man.'"
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
فَأَتَتۡ بِهِۦ قَوۡمَهَا تَحۡمِلُهُۥۖ قَالُواْ يَٰمَرۡيَمُ لَقَدۡ جِئۡتِ شَيۡـٔٗا فَرِيّٗا
(27) Then she brought him to her people, carrying him. They said, "O Mary, you have certainly done a thing unprecedented.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
يَٰٓأُخۡتَ هَٰرُونَ مَا كَانَ أَبُوكِ ٱمۡرَأَ سَوۡءٖ وَمَا كَانَتۡ أُمُّكِ بَغِيّٗا
(28) O sister [i.e., descendant] of Aaron, your father was not a man of evil, nor was your mother unchaste."
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
فَأَشَارَتۡ إِلَيۡهِۖ قَالُواْ كَيۡفَ نُكَلِّمُ مَن كَانَ فِي ٱلۡمَهۡدِ صَبِيّٗا
(29) So she pointed to him. They said, "How can we speak to one who is in the cradle a child?"
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
قَالَ إِنِّي عَبۡدُ ٱللَّهِ ءَاتَىٰنِيَ ٱلۡكِتَٰبَ وَجَعَلَنِي نَبِيّٗا
(30) [Jesus] said, "Indeed, I am the servant of Allāh. He has given me the Scripture and made me a prophet.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَجَعَلَنِي مُبَارَكًا أَيۡنَ مَا كُنتُ وَأَوۡصَٰنِي بِٱلصَّلَوٰةِ وَٱلزَّكَوٰةِ مَا دُمۡتُ حَيّٗا
(31) And He has made me blessed wherever I am and has enjoined upon me prayer and zakāh as long as I remain alive
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَبَرَّۢا بِوَٰلِدَتِي وَلَمۡ يَجۡعَلۡنِي جَبَّارٗا شَقِيّٗا
(32) And [made me] dutiful to my mother, and He has not made me a wretched tyrant.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَٱلسَّلَٰمُ عَلَيَّ يَوۡمَ وُلِدتُّ وَيَوۡمَ أَمُوتُ وَيَوۡمَ أُبۡعَثُ حَيّٗا
(33) And peace is on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I am raised alive."
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
ذَٰلِكَ عِيسَى ٱبۡنُ مَرۡيَمَۖ قَوۡلَ ٱلۡحَقِّ ٱلَّذِي فِيهِ يَمۡتَرُونَ
(34) That is Jesus, the son of Mary - the word of truth about which they are in dispute.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
مَا كَانَ لِلَّهِ أَن يَتَّخِذَ مِن وَلَدٖۖ سُبۡحَٰنَهُۥٓۚ إِذَا قَضَىٰٓ أَمۡرٗا فَإِنَّمَا يَقُولُ لَهُۥ كُن فَيَكُونُ
(35) It is not [befitting] for Allāh to take a son; exalted is He![813] When He decrees an affair, He only says to it, "Be," and it is.
[813]- i.e., far removed is He from any such need.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَإِنَّ ٱللَّهَ رَبِّي وَرَبُّكُمۡ فَٱعۡبُدُوهُۚ هَٰذَا صِرَٰطٞ مُّسۡتَقِيمٞ
(36) [Jesus said], "And indeed, Allāh is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is a straight path."
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
فَٱخۡتَلَفَ ٱلۡأَحۡزَابُ مِنۢ بَيۡنِهِمۡۖ فَوَيۡلٞ لِّلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ مِن مَّشۡهَدِ يَوۡمٍ عَظِيمٍ
(37) Then the factions differed [concerning Jesus] from among them, so woe to those who disbelieved - from the scene of a tremendous Day.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
أَسۡمِعۡ بِهِمۡ وَأَبۡصِرۡ يَوۡمَ يَأۡتُونَنَا لَٰكِنِ ٱلظَّٰلِمُونَ ٱلۡيَوۡمَ فِي ضَلَٰلٖ مُّبِينٖ
(38) How [clearly] they will hear and see the Day they come to Us, but the wrongdoers today are in clear error.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَأَنذِرۡهُمۡ يَوۡمَ ٱلۡحَسۡرَةِ إِذۡ قُضِيَ ٱلۡأَمۡرُ وَهُمۡ فِي غَفۡلَةٖ وَهُمۡ لَا يُؤۡمِنُونَ
(39) And warn them, [O Muḥammad], of the Day of Regret, when the matter will be concluded;[814] and [yet], they are in [a state of] heedlessness, and they do not believe.
[814]- i.e., "judged" or "accomplished."
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
إِنَّا نَحۡنُ نَرِثُ ٱلۡأَرۡضَ وَمَنۡ عَلَيۡهَا وَإِلَيۡنَا يُرۡجَعُونَ
(40) Indeed, it is We who will inherit the earth and whoever is on it, and to Us they will be returned.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَٱذۡكُرۡ فِي ٱلۡكِتَٰبِ إِبۡرَٰهِيمَۚ إِنَّهُۥ كَانَ صِدِّيقٗا نَّبِيًّا
(41) And mention in the Book [the story of] Abraham. Indeed, he was a man of truth and a prophet.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
إِذۡ قَالَ لِأَبِيهِ يَٰٓأَبَتِ لِمَ تَعۡبُدُ مَا لَا يَسۡمَعُ وَلَا يُبۡصِرُ وَلَا يُغۡنِي عَنكَ شَيۡـٔٗا
(42) [Mention] when he said to his father, "O my father, why do you worship that which does not hear and does not see and will not benefit you at all?
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
يَٰٓأَبَتِ إِنِّي قَدۡ جَآءَنِي مِنَ ٱلۡعِلۡمِ مَا لَمۡ يَأۡتِكَ فَٱتَّبِعۡنِيٓ أَهۡدِكَ صِرَٰطٗا سَوِيّٗا
(43) O my father, indeed there has come to me of knowledge that which has not come to you, so follow me; I will guide you to an even path.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
يَٰٓأَبَتِ لَا تَعۡبُدِ ٱلشَّيۡطَٰنَۖ إِنَّ ٱلشَّيۡطَٰنَ كَانَ لِلرَّحۡمَٰنِ عَصِيّٗا
(44) O my father, do not worship [i.e., obey] Satan. Indeed Satan has ever been, to the Most Merciful, disobedient.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
يَٰٓأَبَتِ إِنِّيٓ أَخَافُ أَن يَمَسَّكَ عَذَابٞ مِّنَ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ فَتَكُونَ لِلشَّيۡطَٰنِ وَلِيّٗا
(45) O my father, indeed I fear that there will touch you a punishment from the Most Merciful so you would be to Satan a companion [in Hellfire]."
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
قَالَ أَرَاغِبٌ أَنتَ عَنۡ ءَالِهَتِي يَٰٓإِبۡرَٰهِيمُۖ لَئِن لَّمۡ تَنتَهِ لَأَرۡجُمَنَّكَۖ وَٱهۡجُرۡنِي مَلِيّٗا
(46) [His father] said, "Have you no desire for my gods, O Abraham? If you do not desist, I will surely stone you, so avoid me a prolonged time."
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
قَالَ سَلَٰمٌ عَلَيۡكَۖ سَأَسۡتَغۡفِرُ لَكَ رَبِّيٓۖ إِنَّهُۥ كَانَ بِي حَفِيّٗا
(47) [Abraham] said, "Peace [i.e., safety] will be upon you.[815] I will ask forgiveness for you of my Lord. Indeed, He is ever gracious to me.
[815]- Meaning "You are secure" or "I will not harm you."
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَأَعۡتَزِلُكُمۡ وَمَا تَدۡعُونَ مِن دُونِ ٱللَّهِ وَأَدۡعُواْ رَبِّي عَسَىٰٓ أَلَّآ أَكُونَ بِدُعَآءِ رَبِّي شَقِيّٗا
(48) And I will leave you and those you invoke other than Allāh and will invoke[816] my Lord. I expect that I will not be in invocation to my Lord unhappy [i.e., disappointed]."
[816]- i.e., worship.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
فَلَمَّا ٱعۡتَزَلَهُمۡ وَمَا يَعۡبُدُونَ مِن دُونِ ٱللَّهِ وَهَبۡنَا لَهُۥٓ إِسۡحَٰقَ وَيَعۡقُوبَۖ وَكُلّٗا جَعَلۡنَا نَبِيّٗا
(49) So when he had left them and those they worshipped other than Allāh, We gave him Isaac and Jacob, and each [of them] We made a prophet.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَوَهَبۡنَا لَهُم مِّن رَّحۡمَتِنَا وَجَعَلۡنَا لَهُمۡ لِسَانَ صِدۡقٍ عَلِيّٗا
(50) And We gave them of Our mercy, and We made for them a mention [i.e., reputation] of high honor.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَٱذۡكُرۡ فِي ٱلۡكِتَٰبِ مُوسَىٰٓۚ إِنَّهُۥ كَانَ مُخۡلَصٗا وَكَانَ رَسُولٗا نَّبِيّٗا
(51) And mention in the Book, Moses. Indeed, he was chosen, and he was a messenger and a prophet.[817]
[817]- A messenger (rasūl) is one who was charged by Allāh to reform society. A prophet (nabī) is one who received revelation from Allāh, the latter being more numerous than the former.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَنَٰدَيۡنَٰهُ مِن جَانِبِ ٱلطُّورِ ٱلۡأَيۡمَنِ وَقَرَّبۡنَٰهُ نَجِيّٗا
(52) And We called him from the side of the mount[818] at [his] right and brought him near, confiding [to him].
[818]- Mount Sinai.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَوَهَبۡنَا لَهُۥ مِن رَّحۡمَتِنَآ أَخَاهُ هَٰرُونَ نَبِيّٗا
(53) And We gave him out of Our mercy his brother Aaron as a prophet.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَٱذۡكُرۡ فِي ٱلۡكِتَٰبِ إِسۡمَٰعِيلَۚ إِنَّهُۥ كَانَ صَادِقَ ٱلۡوَعۡدِ وَكَانَ رَسُولٗا نَّبِيّٗا
(54) And mention in the Book, Ishmael. Indeed, he was true to his promise, and he was a messenger and a prophet.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَكَانَ يَأۡمُرُ أَهۡلَهُۥ بِٱلصَّلَوٰةِ وَٱلزَّكَوٰةِ وَكَانَ عِندَ رَبِّهِۦ مَرۡضِيّٗا
(55) And he used to enjoin on his people prayer and zakāh and was to his Lord pleasing [i.e., accepted by Him].
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَٱذۡكُرۡ فِي ٱلۡكِتَٰبِ إِدۡرِيسَۚ إِنَّهُۥ كَانَ صِدِّيقٗا نَّبِيّٗا
(56) And mention in the Book, Idrees. Indeed, he was a man of truth and a prophet.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَرَفَعۡنَٰهُ مَكَانًا عَلِيًّا
(57) And We raised him to a high station.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
أُوْلَٰٓئِكَ ٱلَّذِينَ أَنۡعَمَ ٱللَّهُ عَلَيۡهِم مِّنَ ٱلنَّبِيِّـۧنَ مِن ذُرِّيَّةِ ءَادَمَ وَمِمَّنۡ حَمَلۡنَا مَعَ نُوحٖ وَمِن ذُرِّيَّةِ إِبۡرَٰهِيمَ وَإِسۡرَٰٓءِيلَ وَمِمَّنۡ هَدَيۡنَا وَٱجۡتَبَيۡنَآۚ إِذَا تُتۡلَىٰ عَلَيۡهِمۡ ءَايَٰتُ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ خَرُّواْۤ سُجَّدٗاۤ وَبُكِيّٗا۩
(58) Those were the ones upon whom Allāh bestowed favor from among the prophets of the descendants of Adam and of those We carried [in the ship] with Noah, and of the descendants of Abraham and Israel [i.e., Jacob], and of those whom We guided and chose. When the verses of the Most Merciful were recited to them, they fell in prostration and weeping.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
۞ فَخَلَفَ مِنۢ بَعۡدِهِمۡ خَلۡفٌ أَضَاعُواْ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ وَٱتَّبَعُواْ ٱلشَّهَوَٰتِۖ فَسَوۡفَ يَلۡقَوۡنَ غَيًّا
(59) But there came after them successors [i.e., later generations] who neglected prayer and pursued desires; so they are going to meet evil[819] -
[819]- Described as a valley in Hell or may be rendered "the consequence of error."
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
إِلَّا مَن تَابَ وَءَامَنَ وَعَمِلَ صَٰلِحٗا فَأُوْلَٰٓئِكَ يَدۡخُلُونَ ٱلۡجَنَّةَ وَلَا يُظۡلَمُونَ شَيۡـٔٗا
(60) Except those who repent, believe and do righteousness; for those will enter Paradise and will not be wronged at all.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
جَنَّٰتِ عَدۡنٍ ٱلَّتِي وَعَدَ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنُ عِبَادَهُۥ بِٱلۡغَيۡبِۚ إِنَّهُۥ كَانَ وَعۡدُهُۥ مَأۡتِيّٗا
(61) [Therein are] gardens of perpetual residence which the Most Merciful has promised His servants in the unseen. Indeed, His promise has ever been eminent.[820]
[820]- Literally, "that to which all will come."
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
لَّا يَسۡمَعُونَ فِيهَا لَغۡوًا إِلَّا سَلَٰمٗاۖ وَلَهُمۡ رِزۡقُهُمۡ فِيهَا بُكۡرَةٗ وَعَشِيّٗا
(62) They will not hear therein any ill speech - only [greetings of] peace - and they will have their provision therein, morning and afternoon.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
تِلۡكَ ٱلۡجَنَّةُ ٱلَّتِي نُورِثُ مِنۡ عِبَادِنَا مَن كَانَ تَقِيّٗا
(63) That is Paradise, which We give as inheritance to those of Our servants who were fearing of Allāh.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَمَا نَتَنَزَّلُ إِلَّا بِأَمۡرِ رَبِّكَۖ لَهُۥ مَا بَيۡنَ أَيۡدِينَا وَمَا خَلۡفَنَا وَمَا بَيۡنَ ذَٰلِكَۚ وَمَا كَانَ رَبُّكَ نَسِيّٗا
(64) [Gabriel said],[821] "And we [angels] descend not except by the order of your Lord. To Him belongs that before us and that behind us and what is in between. And never is your Lord forgetful -
[821]- In answer to the Prophet's wish that Gabriel would visit him more often.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
رَّبُّ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلۡأَرۡضِ وَمَا بَيۡنَهُمَا فَٱعۡبُدۡهُ وَٱصۡطَبِرۡ لِعِبَٰدَتِهِۦۚ هَلۡ تَعۡلَمُ لَهُۥ سَمِيّٗا
(65) Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them - so worship Him and have patience for His worship. Do you know of any similarity to Him?"
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَيَقُولُ ٱلۡإِنسَٰنُ أَءِذَا مَا مِتُّ لَسَوۡفَ أُخۡرَجُ حَيًّا
(66) And man [i.e., the disbeliever] says, "When I have died, am I going to be brought forth alive?"
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
أَوَلَا يَذۡكُرُ ٱلۡإِنسَٰنُ أَنَّا خَلَقۡنَٰهُ مِن قَبۡلُ وَلَمۡ يَكُ شَيۡـٔٗا
(67) Does man not remember that We created him before, while he was nothing?
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
فَوَرَبِّكَ لَنَحۡشُرَنَّهُمۡ وَٱلشَّيَٰطِينَ ثُمَّ لَنُحۡضِرَنَّهُمۡ حَوۡلَ جَهَنَّمَ جِثِيّٗا
(68) So by your Lord, We will surely gather them and the devils; then We will bring them to be present around Hell upon their knees.[822]
[822]- i.e., fallen on their knees from terror or dragged there unwillingly on their knees.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
ثُمَّ لَنَنزِعَنَّ مِن كُلِّ شِيعَةٍ أَيُّهُمۡ أَشَدُّ عَلَى ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ عِتِيّٗا
(69) Then We will surely extract from every sect those of them who were worst against the Most Merciful in insolence.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
ثُمَّ لَنَحۡنُ أَعۡلَمُ بِٱلَّذِينَ هُمۡ أَوۡلَىٰ بِهَا صِلِيّٗا
(70) Then, surely it is We who are most knowing of those most worthy of burning therein.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَإِن مِّنكُمۡ إِلَّا وَارِدُهَاۚ كَانَ عَلَىٰ رَبِّكَ حَتۡمٗا مَّقۡضِيّٗا
(71) And there is none of you except he will come to it.[823] This is upon your Lord an inevitability decreed.
[823]- i.e., be exposed to it. However, the people of Paradise will not be harmed thereby.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
ثُمَّ نُنَجِّي ٱلَّذِينَ ٱتَّقَواْ وَّنَذَرُ ٱلظَّٰلِمِينَ فِيهَا جِثِيّٗا
(72) Then We will save those who feared Allāh and leave the wrongdoers within it, on their knees.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَإِذَا تُتۡلَىٰ عَلَيۡهِمۡ ءَايَٰتُنَا بَيِّنَٰتٖ قَالَ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ لِلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوٓاْ أَيُّ ٱلۡفَرِيقَيۡنِ خَيۡرٞ مَّقَامٗا وَأَحۡسَنُ نَدِيّٗا
(73) And when Our verses are recited to them as clear evidences, those who disbelieve say to those who believe, "Which of [our] two parties is best in position and best in association?"[824]
[824]- In regard to worldly interests.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَكَمۡ أَهۡلَكۡنَا قَبۡلَهُم مِّن قَرۡنٍ هُمۡ أَحۡسَنُ أَثَٰثٗا وَرِءۡيٗا
(74) And how many a generation have We destroyed before them who were better in possessions and [outward] appearance?
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
قُلۡ مَن كَانَ فِي ٱلضَّلَٰلَةِ فَلۡيَمۡدُدۡ لَهُ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنُ مَدًّاۚ حَتَّىٰٓ إِذَا رَأَوۡاْ مَا يُوعَدُونَ إِمَّا ٱلۡعَذَابَ وَإِمَّا ٱلسَّاعَةَ فَسَيَعۡلَمُونَ مَنۡ هُوَ شَرّٞ مَّكَانٗا وَأَضۡعَفُ جُندٗا
(75) Say, "Whoever is in error - let the Most Merciful extend for him an extension [in wealth and time] until, when they see that which they were promised - either punishment [in this world] or the Hour [of resurrection] - they will come to know who is worst in position and weaker in soldiers."
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَيَزِيدُ ٱللَّهُ ٱلَّذِينَ ٱهۡتَدَوۡاْ هُدٗىۗ وَٱلۡبَٰقِيَٰتُ ٱلصَّٰلِحَٰتُ خَيۡرٌ عِندَ رَبِّكَ ثَوَابٗا وَخَيۡرٞ مَّرَدًّا
(76) And Allāh increases those who were guided, in guidance, and the enduring good deeds are better to your Lord[825] for reward and better for recourse.
[825]- i.e., in the sight or evaluation of Allāh.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
أَفَرَءَيۡتَ ٱلَّذِي كَفَرَ بِـَٔايَٰتِنَا وَقَالَ لَأُوتَيَنَّ مَالٗا وَوَلَدًا
(77) Then, have you seen he who disbelieved in Our verses and said, "I will surely be given wealth and children [in the next life]"?
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
أَطَّلَعَ ٱلۡغَيۡبَ أَمِ ٱتَّخَذَ عِندَ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ عَهۡدٗا
(78) Has he looked into the unseen, or has he taken from the Most Merciful a promise?
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
كَلَّاۚ سَنَكۡتُبُ مَا يَقُولُ وَنَمُدُّ لَهُۥ مِنَ ٱلۡعَذَابِ مَدّٗا
(79) No! We will record what he says and extend [i.e., increase] for him from the punishment extensively.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَنَرِثُهُۥ مَا يَقُولُ وَيَأۡتِينَا فَرۡدٗا
(80) And We will inherit him [in] what he mentions,[826] and he will come to Us alone.
[826]- Instead of giving him wealth and children in the Hereafter, Allāh will take from him those he had in worldly life at the time of his death.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَٱتَّخَذُواْ مِن دُونِ ٱللَّهِ ءَالِهَةٗ لِّيَكُونُواْ لَهُمۡ عِزّٗا
(81) And they have taken besides Allāh [false] deities that they would be for them [a source of] honor.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
كَلَّاۚ سَيَكۡفُرُونَ بِعِبَادَتِهِمۡ وَيَكُونُونَ عَلَيۡهِمۡ ضِدًّا
(82) No! They [i.e., those "gods"] will deny their worship of them and will be against them opponents [on the Day of Judgement].
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
أَلَمۡ تَرَ أَنَّآ أَرۡسَلۡنَا ٱلشَّيَٰطِينَ عَلَى ٱلۡكَٰفِرِينَ تَؤُزُّهُمۡ أَزّٗا
(83) Do you not see that We have sent the devils upon the disbelievers, inciting them [to evil] with [constant] incitement?
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
فَلَا تَعۡجَلۡ عَلَيۡهِمۡۖ إِنَّمَا نَعُدُّ لَهُمۡ عَدّٗا
(84) So be not impatient over them. We only count out [i.e., allow] to them a [limited] number.[827]
[827]- Of breaths, of days, or of evil deeds.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
يَوۡمَ نَحۡشُرُ ٱلۡمُتَّقِينَ إِلَى ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ وَفۡدٗا
(85) On the Day We will gather the righteous to the Most Merciful as a delegation
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَنَسُوقُ ٱلۡمُجۡرِمِينَ إِلَىٰ جَهَنَّمَ وِرۡدٗا
(86) And will drive the criminals to Hell in thirst
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
لَّا يَمۡلِكُونَ ٱلشَّفَٰعَةَ إِلَّا مَنِ ٱتَّخَذَ عِندَ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ عَهۡدٗا
(87) None will have [power of] intercession except he who had taken from the Most Merciful a covenant.[828]
[828]- Not to worship other than Him.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَقَالُواْ ٱتَّخَذَ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنُ وَلَدٗا
(88) And they say, "The Most Merciful has taken [for Himself] a son."
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
لَّقَدۡ جِئۡتُمۡ شَيۡـًٔا إِدّٗا
(89) You have done an atrocious thing.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
تَكَادُ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتُ يَتَفَطَّرۡنَ مِنۡهُ وَتَنشَقُّ ٱلۡأَرۡضُ وَتَخِرُّ ٱلۡجِبَالُ هَدًّا
(90) The heavens almost rupture therefrom and the earth splits open and the mountains collapse in devastation
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
أَن دَعَوۡاْ لِلرَّحۡمَٰنِ وَلَدٗا
(91) That they attribute to the Most Merciful a son.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَمَا يَنۢبَغِي لِلرَّحۡمَٰنِ أَن يَتَّخِذَ وَلَدًا
(92) And it is not appropriate for the Most Merciful that He should take a son.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
إِن كُلُّ مَن فِي ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلۡأَرۡضِ إِلَّآ ءَاتِي ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ عَبۡدٗا
(93) There is no one in the heavens and earth but that he comes to the Most Merciful as a servant.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
لَّقَدۡ أَحۡصَىٰهُمۡ وَعَدَّهُمۡ عَدّٗا
(94) He has enumerated them and counted them a [full] counting.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَكُلُّهُمۡ ءَاتِيهِ يَوۡمَ ٱلۡقِيَٰمَةِ فَرۡدًا
(95) And all of them are coming to Him on the Day of Resurrection alone.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ وَعَمِلُواْ ٱلصَّٰلِحَٰتِ سَيَجۡعَلُ لَهُمُ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنُ وُدّٗا
(96) Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds - the Most Merciful will appoint for them affection.[829]
[829]- From Himself and from among each other.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
فَإِنَّمَا يَسَّرۡنَٰهُ بِلِسَانِكَ لِتُبَشِّرَ بِهِ ٱلۡمُتَّقِينَ وَتُنذِرَ بِهِۦ قَوۡمٗا لُّدّٗا
(97) So, [O Muḥammad], We have only made it [i.e., the Qur’ān] easy in your tongue [i.e., the Arabic language] that you may give good tidings thereby to the righteous and warn thereby a hostile people.
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
وَكَمۡ أَهۡلَكۡنَا قَبۡلَهُم مِّن قَرۡنٍ هَلۡ تُحِسُّ مِنۡهُم مِّنۡ أَحَدٍ أَوۡ تَسۡمَعُ لَهُمۡ رِكۡزَۢا
(98) And how many have We destroyed before them of generations? Do you perceive of them anyone or hear from them a sound?
ตัฟสีรต่างๆ​ ภาษาอาหรับ:
แปลความหมาย​ สูเราะฮ์: Maryam
สารบัญสูเราะฮ์ หมายเลข​หน้า​
แปล​ความหมาย​อัลกุรอาน​ - คำแปลภาษาอังกฤษ - Sahih International - สารบัญ​คำแปล

การแปลความหมายอัลกุรอานเป็นภาษาอังกฤษ - ฉบับ Saheeh International - จัดพิมพ์โดย ศูนย์นูรอินเตอร์เนชั่นเนล
