《古兰经》译解 - 英语翻译-叶孤拜 * - 译解目录

含义的翻译 段: (69) 章: 拜格勒
قَالُواْ ٱدۡعُ لَنَا رَبَّكَ يُبَيِّن لَّنَا مَا لَوۡنُهَاۚ قَالَ إِنَّهُۥ يَقُولُ إِنَّهَا بَقَرَةٞ صَفۡرَآءُ فَاقِعٞ لَّوۡنُهَا تَسُرُّ ٱلنَّٰظِرِينَ
69. They said: "Ask your Lord to describe to us what its color is." Moses said: He says, "It is a yellow cow; bright in color - pleasing to the beholders."
含义的翻译 段: (69) 章: 拜格勒
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《古兰经》译解 - 英语翻译-叶孤拜 - 译解目录

