《古兰经》译解 - 英语翻译-叶孤拜 * - 译解目录

含义的翻译 段: (40) 章: 塔哈
إِذۡ تَمۡشِيٓ أُخۡتُكَ فَتَقُولُ هَلۡ أَدُلُّكُمۡ عَلَىٰ مَن يَكۡفُلُهُۥۖ فَرَجَعۡنَٰكَ إِلَىٰٓ أُمِّكَ كَيۡ تَقَرَّ عَيۡنُهَا وَلَا تَحۡزَنَۚ وَقَتَلۡتَ نَفۡسٗا فَنَجَّيۡنَٰكَ مِنَ ٱلۡغَمِّ وَفَتَنَّٰكَ فُتُونٗاۚ فَلَبِثۡتَ سِنِينَ فِيٓ أَهۡلِ مَدۡيَنَ ثُمَّ جِئۡتَ عَلَىٰ قَدَرٖ يَٰمُوسَىٰ
40. When your sister (Miriam) went and said: "Shall I show you to one who will take charge of him?" So We brought you back to your mother, that her eyes might be cooled (with joy), and that she would not grieve. You killed a man, then We saved you from the grief, and tried you with many trials. You stayed for several years among the people of Midian; then you came here at the decreed time, O Moses.
含义的翻译 段: (40) 章: 塔哈
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《古兰经》译解 - 英语翻译-叶孤拜 - 译解目录

