《古兰经》译解 - 英语翻译-叶孤拜 * - 译解目录

含义的翻译 段: (63) 章: 艾尔拉夫
أَوَعَجِبۡتُمۡ أَن جَآءَكُمۡ ذِكۡرٞ مِّن رَّبِّكُمۡ عَلَىٰ رَجُلٖ مِّنكُمۡ لِيُنذِرَكُمۡ وَلِتَتَّقُواْ وَلَعَلَّكُمۡ تُرۡحَمُونَ
63. Does it seem strange to you that a reminder has come to you from (Allah) your Lord through a man from among you, that he might warn you, and that you might fear Allah and shun evil, so that you may receive (Allah’s) Mercy?
含义的翻译 段: (63) 章: 艾尔拉夫
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《古兰经》译解 - 英语翻译-叶孤拜 - 译解目录

