কুরআনুল কারীমের অর্থসমূহের অনুবাদ - ইংরেজি অনুবাদ- ইয়াকূব * - অনুবাদসমূহের সূচী

অর্থসমূহের অনুবাদ সূরা: সূরা গাফের   আয়াত:


1. Ha Meem¹.
1. The Qur’an is made up of such letters from the Arabic alphabet. The Arabs at the time of revelation were the unrivaled masters of the Arabic language and yet when challenged were totally unable to bring anything like the Qur’an. Despite this fact, the inimitable nature of the Qur’an and its divine source, God knows best the meaning of these disjointed Arabic letters.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
تَنزِيلُ ٱلۡكِتَٰبِ مِنَ ٱللَّهِ ٱلۡعَزِيزِ ٱلۡعَلِيمِ
2. The (gradual) sending down of the Book (Qur’an) is from Allah (God), the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing,
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
غَافِرِ ٱلذَّنۢبِ وَقَابِلِ ٱلتَّوۡبِ شَدِيدِ ٱلۡعِقَابِ ذِي ٱلطَّوۡلِۖ لَآ إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَۖ إِلَيۡهِ ٱلۡمَصِيرُ
3. The Forgiver of sin, Acceptor of repentance, Severe in Retribution, Possessor (of infinite) bounty (of love and mercy). There is no (true) God except Him. To Him is the final return.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
مَا يُجَٰدِلُ فِيٓ ءَايَٰتِ ٱللَّهِ إِلَّا ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ فَلَا يَغۡرُرۡكَ تَقَلُّبُهُمۡ فِي ٱلۡبِلَٰدِ
4. No one disputes about the Revelations of Allah except those who deny (the Truth of Islam), so let not their uninhibited movement through the land deceive you.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
كَذَّبَتۡ قَبۡلَهُمۡ قَوۡمُ نُوحٖ وَٱلۡأَحۡزَابُ مِنۢ بَعۡدِهِمۡۖ وَهَمَّتۡ كُلُّ أُمَّةِۭ بِرَسُولِهِمۡ لِيَأۡخُذُوهُۖ وَجَٰدَلُواْ بِٱلۡبَٰطِلِ لِيُدۡحِضُواْ بِهِ ٱلۡحَقَّ فَأَخَذۡتُهُمۡۖ فَكَيۡفَ كَانَ عِقَابِ
5. The people of Noah denied (their Prophet) before them and the (disbelieving) factions after them. Every nation plotted against their messenger to seize him, and they disputed by means of falsehood to refute thereby the Truth. So I seized them; how then was My Retribution.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
وَكَذَٰلِكَ حَقَّتۡ كَلِمَتُ رَبِّكَ عَلَى ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوٓاْ أَنَّهُمۡ أَصۡحَٰبُ ٱلنَّارِ
6. Thus did the Word of (Allah) your Lord prove true against the deniers that they are the people of the eternal Fire.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
ٱلَّذِينَ يَحۡمِلُونَ ٱلۡعَرۡشَ وَمَنۡ حَوۡلَهُۥ يُسَبِّحُونَ بِحَمۡدِ رَبِّهِمۡ وَيُؤۡمِنُونَ بِهِۦ وَيَسۡتَغۡفِرُونَ لِلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْۖ رَبَّنَا وَسِعۡتَ كُلَّ شَيۡءٖ رَّحۡمَةٗ وَعِلۡمٗا فَٱغۡفِرۡ لِلَّذِينَ تَابُواْ وَٱتَّبَعُواْ سَبِيلَكَ وَقِهِمۡ عَذَابَ ٱلۡجَحِيمِ
7. Those (angels) who bear the Throne (of Allah) and those around it glorify their Lord (Allah) with His praise and believe in Him and ask forgiveness for those who believe (saying): "Our Lord, You comprehend all things in mercy and knowledge, so forgive those who turn (to You in repentance) and follow Your Way, and save them from the torment of Hell;
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
رَبَّنَا وَأَدۡخِلۡهُمۡ جَنَّٰتِ عَدۡنٍ ٱلَّتِي وَعَدتَّهُمۡ وَمَن صَلَحَ مِنۡ ءَابَآئِهِمۡ وَأَزۡوَٰجِهِمۡ وَذُرِّيَّٰتِهِمۡۚ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ ٱلۡعَزِيزُ ٱلۡحَكِيمُ
8. Our Lord, admit them the gardens of Eden which You have promised them, and the righteous of their fathers, spouses, and offspring. For You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
وَقِهِمُ ٱلسَّيِّـَٔاتِۚ وَمَن تَقِ ٱلسَّيِّـَٔاتِ يَوۡمَئِذٖ فَقَدۡ رَحِمۡتَهُۥۚ وَذَٰلِكَ هُوَ ٱلۡفَوۡزُ ٱلۡعَظِيمُ
9. Protect them from evil consequences (of their sins). Whoever You protect from evil consequences that Day (of Judgment), indeed You have shown Mercy to him, and that is the great achievement.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ يُنَادَوۡنَ لَمَقۡتُ ٱللَّهِ أَكۡبَرُ مِن مَّقۡتِكُمۡ أَنفُسَكُمۡ إِذۡ تُدۡعَوۡنَ إِلَى ٱلۡإِيمَٰنِ فَتَكۡفُرُونَ
10. Those who deny (Allah and His messengers) will be addressed (on that Day): Certainly Allah’s Hatred (of you) when you were called to Faith and you rejected was much greater than your hatred of one another (now in the Hellfire).
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
قَالُواْ رَبَّنَآ أَمَتَّنَا ٱثۡنَتَيۡنِ وَأَحۡيَيۡتَنَا ٱثۡنَتَيۡنِ فَٱعۡتَرَفۡنَا بِذُنُوبِنَا فَهَلۡ إِلَىٰ خُرُوجٖ مِّن سَبِيلٖ
11. They will say: "Our Lord, twice you made us lifeless², and twice you have given us life³. Now we confess our sins; is there then a way to get out (of the Hellfire)?
2. in the loins of our fathers and in the graves
3. at birth and at Resurrection
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
ذَٰلِكُم بِأَنَّهُۥٓ إِذَا دُعِيَ ٱللَّهُ وَحۡدَهُۥ كَفَرۡتُمۡ وَإِن يُشۡرَكۡ بِهِۦ تُؤۡمِنُواْۚ فَٱلۡحُكۡمُ لِلَّهِ ٱلۡعَلِيِّ ٱلۡكَبِيرِ
12. (They will be told): "This (has befallen you) because when Allah alone was called upon, you denied, but when others⁴ were associated (as partners) to Him, you believed. So the Judgment belongs to Allah alone, the Most High, the Most Great.
4. Such as Jesus Christ, the holy spirit, angels, prophets, saints, demons, idols, etc.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
هُوَ ٱلَّذِي يُرِيكُمۡ ءَايَٰتِهِۦ وَيُنَزِّلُ لَكُم مِّنَ ٱلسَّمَآءِ رِزۡقٗاۚ وَمَا يَتَذَكَّرُ إِلَّا مَن يُنِيبُ
13. It is He (Allah) Who shows you His signs, and sends down for you sustenance from the sky. None will take heed except he who turns (to Him in repentance).
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
فَٱدۡعُواْ ٱللَّهَ مُخۡلِصِينَ لَهُ ٱلدِّينَ وَلَوۡ كَرِهَ ٱلۡكَٰفِرُونَ
14. So pray to Allah only, being sincere to Him in worship - though the deniers are averse (to it).
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
رَفِيعُ ٱلدَّرَجَٰتِ ذُو ٱلۡعَرۡشِ يُلۡقِي ٱلرُّوحَ مِنۡ أَمۡرِهِۦ عَلَىٰ مَن يَشَآءُ مِنۡ عِبَادِهِۦ لِيُنذِرَ يَوۡمَ ٱلتَّلَاقِ
15. (Allah is the) Possessor of the Highest Rank, Lord of the (Great) Throne. He sends the Inspiration by His Command upon whom He wills of His slaves (of mankind and jinn), that he (the messenger) may warn of the Day of Meeting (with God).
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
يَوۡمَ هُم بَٰرِزُونَۖ لَا يَخۡفَىٰ عَلَى ٱللَّهِ مِنۡهُمۡ شَيۡءٞۚ لِّمَنِ ٱلۡمُلۡكُ ٱلۡيَوۡمَۖ لِلَّهِ ٱلۡوَٰحِدِ ٱلۡقَهَّارِ
16. (Of) the Day when they will come forth, nothing of them will be hidden from Allah. To whom belongs (all) Sovereignty this Day⁵? To Allah, the (only) One (True God), the Subduer (of all).
5. O Allah, Our Lord, Who are in heaven, we testify that You are the One and only True God in the heavens and on earth. Greatly revered and honoured be Your name; Your kingdom come; Your will be done on earth and heaven; forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us; and lead us not to temptation in the world, and deliver us from all evil in the Hereafter life.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
ٱلۡيَوۡمَ تُجۡزَىٰ كُلُّ نَفۡسِۭ بِمَا كَسَبَتۡۚ لَا ظُلۡمَ ٱلۡيَوۡمَۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ سَرِيعُ ٱلۡحِسَابِ
17. This Day every soul will be recompensed for what it has earned. No injustice (shall be done) today. For Allah is Swift in Reckoning.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
وَأَنذِرۡهُمۡ يَوۡمَ ٱلۡأٓزِفَةِ إِذِ ٱلۡقُلُوبُ لَدَى ٱلۡحَنَاجِرِ كَٰظِمِينَۚ مَا لِلظَّٰلِمِينَ مِنۡ حَمِيمٖ وَلَا شَفِيعٖ يُطَاعُ
18. Warn them of the Day that draws near, when hearts will rise up to the throats, grieving inwardly. The unjust will not have any compassionate friend nor any intercessor who should be obeyed.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
يَعۡلَمُ خَآئِنَةَ ٱلۡأَعۡيُنِ وَمَا تُخۡفِي ٱلصُّدُورُ
19. He (Allah) knows the deceitful looks and that which the chests conceal.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
وَٱللَّهُ يَقۡضِي بِٱلۡحَقِّۖ وَٱلَّذِينَ يَدۡعُونَ مِن دُونِهِۦ لَا يَقۡضُونَ بِشَيۡءٍۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ هُوَ ٱلسَّمِيعُ ٱلۡبَصِيرُ
20. Allah judges with Truth (and Justice); while those whom they pray to besides Him do not (possess the power to) judge anything. Allah is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
۞ أَوَلَمۡ يَسِيرُواْ فِي ٱلۡأَرۡضِ فَيَنظُرُواْ كَيۡفَ كَانَ عَٰقِبَةُ ٱلَّذِينَ كَانُواْ مِن قَبۡلِهِمۡۚ كَانُواْ هُمۡ أَشَدَّ مِنۡهُمۡ قُوَّةٗ وَءَاثَارٗا فِي ٱلۡأَرۡضِ فَأَخَذَهُمُ ٱللَّهُ بِذُنُوبِهِمۡ وَمَا كَانَ لَهُم مِّنَ ٱللَّهِ مِن وَاقٖ
21. Have they not traveled through the land and seen how was the end of those who were before them? Mightier than these were they in strength and in fortifications in the land, but Allah seized them for their sins. And there was not for them any savior against Allah.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
ذَٰلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمۡ كَانَت تَّأۡتِيهِمۡ رُسُلُهُم بِٱلۡبَيِّنَٰتِ فَكَفَرُواْ فَأَخَذَهُمُ ٱللَّهُۚ إِنَّهُۥ قَوِيّٞ شَدِيدُ ٱلۡعِقَابِ
22. This (torment) is because there came to them their apostles with clear Proofs, but they denied (them), so Allah seized them. He is All-Strong, Severe in Retribution.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
وَلَقَدۡ أَرۡسَلۡنَا مُوسَىٰ بِـَٔايَٰتِنَا وَسُلۡطَٰنٖ مُّبِينٍ
23. We sent Moses with Our signs and clear authority,
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
إِلَىٰ فِرۡعَوۡنَ وَهَٰمَٰنَ وَقَٰرُونَ فَقَالُواْ سَٰحِرٞ كَذَّابٞ
24. To Pharaoh, Haman and Korah, but they said: (He is) a sorcerer, a liar.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
فَلَمَّا جَآءَهُم بِٱلۡحَقِّ مِنۡ عِندِنَا قَالُواْ ٱقۡتُلُوٓاْ أَبۡنَآءَ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ مَعَهُۥ وَٱسۡتَحۡيُواْ نِسَآءَهُمۡۚ وَمَا كَيۡدُ ٱلۡكَٰفِرِينَ إِلَّا فِي ضَلَٰلٖ
25. So when he (Moses) brought to them the Truth from (Allah), they said: "Kill the sons of those who believed with him, and keep their women alive." But the plot of the deniers could not lead to anything except in error (and failure).
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
وَقَالَ فِرۡعَوۡنُ ذَرُونِيٓ أَقۡتُلۡ مُوسَىٰ وَلۡيَدۡعُ رَبَّهُۥٓۖ إِنِّيٓ أَخَافُ أَن يُبَدِّلَ دِينَكُمۡ أَوۡ أَن يُظۡهِرَ فِي ٱلۡأَرۡضِ ٱلۡفَسَادَ
26. Pharaoh said: "Leave me alone that I may kill Moses and let him call upon his Lord (Allah). I fear that he will change your religion (and way of life) or that he will cause corruption to appear in the land."
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
وَقَالَ مُوسَىٰٓ إِنِّي عُذۡتُ بِرَبِّي وَرَبِّكُم مِّن كُلِّ مُتَكَبِّرٖ لَّا يُؤۡمِنُ بِيَوۡمِ ٱلۡحِسَابِ
27. Moses said: "I sought refuge in (Allah) my Lord and your Lord from every arrogant who does not believe in the Day of Reckoning (and Judgment).
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
وَقَالَ رَجُلٞ مُّؤۡمِنٞ مِّنۡ ءَالِ فِرۡعَوۡنَ يَكۡتُمُ إِيمَٰنَهُۥٓ أَتَقۡتُلُونَ رَجُلًا أَن يَقُولَ رَبِّيَ ٱللَّهُ وَقَدۡ جَآءَكُم بِٱلۡبَيِّنَٰتِ مِن رَّبِّكُمۡۖ وَإِن يَكُ كَٰذِبٗا فَعَلَيۡهِ كَذِبُهُۥۖ وَإِن يَكُ صَادِقٗا يُصِبۡكُم بَعۡضُ ٱلَّذِي يَعِدُكُمۡۖ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يَهۡدِي مَنۡ هُوَ مُسۡرِفٞ كَذَّابٞ
28. A believing man of Pharaoh’s people⁶ who hid his faith said: "Would you kill a man (Moses) because he says: "My Lord is Allah", and indeed he has brought to you clear Proofs from (Allah) your Lord? If he (Moses) is a liar, on him will be his lie, but if he is truthful, there will befall you some of that which he threatens you (with). Allah does not guide him who is a transgressor, a liar.
6. Hizqil, Pharaoh's cousin and treasurer.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
يَٰقَوۡمِ لَكُمُ ٱلۡمُلۡكُ ٱلۡيَوۡمَ ظَٰهِرِينَ فِي ٱلۡأَرۡضِ فَمَن يَنصُرُنَا مِنۢ بَأۡسِ ٱللَّهِ إِن جَآءَنَاۚ قَالَ فِرۡعَوۡنُ مَآ أُرِيكُمۡ إِلَّا مَآ أَرَىٰ وَمَآ أَهۡدِيكُمۡ إِلَّا سَبِيلَ ٱلرَّشَادِ
29. O my people, yours is the kingdom this day, being masters in the land (of Egypt), but who will help us against the torment of Allah if it comes to us?" Pharaoh said: "I do not show you anything but that which I see (myself), and I do not direct you to anything but the right guidance and conduct."
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
وَقَالَ ٱلَّذِيٓ ءَامَنَ يَٰقَوۡمِ إِنِّيٓ أَخَافُ عَلَيۡكُم مِّثۡلَ يَوۡمِ ٱلۡأَحۡزَابِ
30. He who believed (in Allah and His messengers) said: "O my people, I fear for you the like of what befell the (disbelieving) alliances (of old);
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
مِثۡلَ دَأۡبِ قَوۡمِ نُوحٖ وَعَادٖ وَثَمُودَ وَٱلَّذِينَ مِنۢ بَعۡدِهِمۡۚ وَمَا ٱللَّهُ يُرِيدُ ظُلۡمٗا لِّلۡعِبَادِ
31. The like of what befell the people of Noah, (the people of) ‘Aad, Thamud and those who came after them. Allah does not want injustice for (His) slaves (of mankind).
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
وَيَٰقَوۡمِ إِنِّيٓ أَخَافُ عَلَيۡكُمۡ يَوۡمَ ٱلتَّنَادِ
32. O my people, I fear for you the Day of calling out,
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
يَوۡمَ تُوَلُّونَ مُدۡبِرِينَ مَا لَكُم مِّنَ ٱللَّهِ مِنۡ عَاصِمٖۗ وَمَن يُضۡلِلِ ٱللَّهُ فَمَا لَهُۥ مِنۡ هَادٖ
33. The Day on which you will turn back retreating, there will be no savior for you from (the Chastisement of) Allah, and he whom Allah leaves astray⁷, there is no guide for him.
7. Because of his arrogance and persistence in sin.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
وَلَقَدۡ جَآءَكُمۡ يُوسُفُ مِن قَبۡلُ بِٱلۡبَيِّنَٰتِ فَمَا زِلۡتُمۡ فِي شَكّٖ مِّمَّا جَآءَكُم بِهِۦۖ حَتَّىٰٓ إِذَا هَلَكَ قُلۡتُمۡ لَن يَبۡعَثَ ٱللَّهُ مِنۢ بَعۡدِهِۦ رَسُولٗاۚ كَذَٰلِكَ يُضِلُّ ٱللَّهُ مَنۡ هُوَ مُسۡرِفٞ مُّرۡتَابٌ
34. Joseph came to you before with clear Proofs, but you ever remained in doubt as to what he brought; until when he died, you said: "Allah will never send a Messenger after him." Thus does Allah leaves astray him who is a transgressor, a doubter.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
ٱلَّذِينَ يُجَٰدِلُونَ فِيٓ ءَايَٰتِ ٱللَّهِ بِغَيۡرِ سُلۡطَٰنٍ أَتَىٰهُمۡۖ كَبُرَ مَقۡتًا عِندَ ٱللَّهِ وَعِندَ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْۚ كَذَٰلِكَ يَطۡبَعُ ٱللَّهُ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ قَلۡبِ مُتَكَبِّرٖ جَبَّارٖ
35. Those who dispute about the Revelations of Allah without any authority that He has given them. It is greatly hateful to Allah and those who believe. Thus does Allah set a seal over the heart of every arrogant tyrant.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
وَقَالَ فِرۡعَوۡنُ يَٰهَٰمَٰنُ ٱبۡنِ لِي صَرۡحٗا لَّعَلِّيٓ أَبۡلُغُ ٱلۡأَسۡبَٰبَ
36. Pharaoh said: "O Haman, build for me a tower that I may attain the means of access,
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
أَسۡبَٰبَ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ فَأَطَّلِعَ إِلَىٰٓ إِلَٰهِ مُوسَىٰ وَإِنِّي لَأَظُنُّهُۥ كَٰذِبٗاۚ وَكَذَٰلِكَ زُيِّنَ لِفِرۡعَوۡنَ سُوٓءُ عَمَلِهِۦ وَصُدَّ عَنِ ٱلسَّبِيلِۚ وَمَا كَيۡدُ فِرۡعَوۡنَ إِلَّا فِي تَبَابٖ
37. The means of access to the heavens, then reach (Allah) the God of Moses, and I think him (Moses) to be a liar." Thus the evil of his deeds was made fair seeming to Pharaoh, and he was turned away from the Way. The plot of Pharaoh was not (to end) in anything but destruction.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
وَقَالَ ٱلَّذِيٓ ءَامَنَ يَٰقَوۡمِ ٱتَّبِعُونِ أَهۡدِكُمۡ سَبِيلَ ٱلرَّشَادِ
38. He who believed said: "O my people, follow me, I will guide you to the right conduct⁸.
8. I.e., guide you to God’s religion of Islamic Monotheism with which Moses has been sent. 
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
يَٰقَوۡمِ إِنَّمَا هَٰذِهِ ٱلۡحَيَوٰةُ ٱلدُّنۡيَا مَتَٰعٞ وَإِنَّ ٱلۡأٓخِرَةَ هِيَ دَارُ ٱلۡقَرَارِ
39. O my people, this life of the world is only a (temporary) enjoyment, and the Hereafter is the Home of permanent settlement.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
مَنۡ عَمِلَ سَيِّئَةٗ فَلَا يُجۡزَىٰٓ إِلَّا مِثۡلَهَاۖ وَمَنۡ عَمِلَ صَٰلِحٗا مِّن ذَكَرٍ أَوۡ أُنثَىٰ وَهُوَ مُؤۡمِنٞ فَأُوْلَٰٓئِكَ يَدۡخُلُونَ ٱلۡجَنَّةَ يُرۡزَقُونَ فِيهَا بِغَيۡرِ حِسَابٖ
40. Whoever does an evil deed⁹, he will not be recompensed (with anything) but the like of it. But whoever does a good deed, whether male or female, and is a believer (monotheist), these will enter Paradise, in which they will be given sustenance without measure.
9. I.e., ascribes partners with Allah, the True Lord, or commits other major sins.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
۞ وَيَٰقَوۡمِ مَا لِيٓ أَدۡعُوكُمۡ إِلَى ٱلنَّجَوٰةِ وَتَدۡعُونَنِيٓ إِلَى ٱلنَّارِ
41. O my people, how is it that I call you to (real) Salvation, and you call me to the eternal Fire?
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
تَدۡعُونَنِي لِأَكۡفُرَ بِٱللَّهِ وَأُشۡرِكَ بِهِۦ مَا لَيۡسَ لِي بِهِۦ عِلۡمٞ وَأَنَا۠ أَدۡعُوكُمۡ إِلَى ٱلۡعَزِيزِ ٱلۡغَفَّٰرِ
42. You call me to deny Allah and associate with Him of which I have no (Divine) knowledge, and I call you to the (Way of Allah) the All-Mighty, the All-Forgiving.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
لَا جَرَمَ أَنَّمَا تَدۡعُونَنِيٓ إِلَيۡهِ لَيۡسَ لَهُۥ دَعۡوَةٞ فِي ٱلدُّنۡيَا وَلَا فِي ٱلۡأٓخِرَةِ وَأَنَّ مَرَدَّنَآ إِلَى ٱللَّهِ وَأَنَّ ٱلۡمُسۡرِفِينَ هُمۡ أَصۡحَٰبُ ٱلنَّارِ
43. No doubt that what you call me to (worship) has no power to answer my supplication in this world nor in the Hereafter; and indeed, our returning back is to Allah, and the transgressors are the people of the eternal Fire.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
فَسَتَذۡكُرُونَ مَآ أَقُولُ لَكُمۡۚ وَأُفَوِّضُ أَمۡرِيٓ إِلَى ٱللَّهِۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ بَصِيرُۢ بِٱلۡعِبَادِ
44. So you shall remember what I say to you, and I entrust my affair to Allah (alone). Allah is All-Seeing of His slaves (of mankind)."
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
فَوَقَىٰهُ ٱللَّهُ سَيِّـَٔاتِ مَا مَكَرُواْۖ وَحَاقَ بِـَٔالِ فِرۡعَوۡنَ سُوٓءُ ٱلۡعَذَابِ
45. So Allah protected him from the evil (consequences) of what they plotted, and the evil torment seized Pharaoh’s people.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
ٱلنَّارُ يُعۡرَضُونَ عَلَيۡهَا غُدُوّٗا وَعَشِيّٗاۚ وَيَوۡمَ تَقُومُ ٱلسَّاعَةُ أَدۡخِلُوٓاْ ءَالَ فِرۡعَوۡنَ أَشَدَّ ٱلۡعَذَابِ
46. The fire¹⁰, they are exposed to it (every) morning and evening. On the Day when the Hour (of Doom) will come to pass (it will be said): "Enter Pharaoh’s people into the severest torment."
10. Of the Barzakh i.e., the period between death and resurrection.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
وَإِذۡ يَتَحَآجُّونَ فِي ٱلنَّارِ فَيَقُولُ ٱلضُّعَفَٰٓؤُاْ لِلَّذِينَ ٱسۡتَكۡبَرُوٓاْ إِنَّا كُنَّا لَكُمۡ تَبَعٗا فَهَلۡ أَنتُم مُّغۡنُونَ عَنَّا نَصِيبٗا مِّنَ ٱلنَّارِ
47. When they will dispute one with another in the eternal Fire, then the weak will say to those who were arrogant: "We were your followers; will you then avert from us a portion of the Fire?"
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
قَالَ ٱلَّذِينَ ٱسۡتَكۡبَرُوٓاْ إِنَّا كُلّٞ فِيهَآ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ قَدۡ حَكَمَ بَيۡنَ ٱلۡعِبَادِ
48. Those who were arrogant will say: "We are all in it; for Allah has judged (justly) between His slaves (of mankind and jinn).
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
وَقَالَ ٱلَّذِينَ فِي ٱلنَّارِ لِخَزَنَةِ جَهَنَّمَ ٱدۡعُواْ رَبَّكُمۡ يُخَفِّفۡ عَنَّا يَوۡمٗا مِّنَ ٱلۡعَذَابِ
49. Those in the eternal Fire will say to the keepers of Gehinnom (Hell): "Call upon (Allah) your Lord that He may lighten for us the torment for (just) a day."
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
قَالُوٓاْ أَوَلَمۡ تَكُ تَأۡتِيكُمۡ رُسُلُكُم بِٱلۡبَيِّنَٰتِۖ قَالُواْ بَلَىٰۚ قَالُواْ فَٱدۡعُواْۗ وَمَا دُعَٰٓؤُاْ ٱلۡكَٰفِرِينَ إِلَّا فِي ضَلَٰلٍ
50. They will say: "Did there not come to you your messengers with clear Evidences? They will say: "Yes." They will reply: "Then call (as you like)." And the call of the deniers is only in vain.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
إِنَّا لَنَنصُرُ رُسُلَنَا وَٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ فِي ٱلۡحَيَوٰةِ ٱلدُّنۡيَا وَيَوۡمَ يَقُومُ ٱلۡأَشۡهَٰدُ
51. We will support Our messengers and those who believe in this worldly life and on the Day when the witnesses will stand.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
يَوۡمَ لَا يَنفَعُ ٱلظَّٰلِمِينَ مَعۡذِرَتُهُمۡۖ وَلَهُمُ ٱللَّعۡنَةُ وَلَهُمۡ سُوٓءُ ٱلدَّارِ
52. The Day on which their excuse will not benefit the unjust (the pagans, deniers), for them is a Curse, and for them is the evil Home (of Hell).
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
وَلَقَدۡ ءَاتَيۡنَا مُوسَى ٱلۡهُدَىٰ وَأَوۡرَثۡنَا بَنِيٓ إِسۡرَٰٓءِيلَ ٱلۡكِتَٰبَ
53. We gave Moses the (right) Guidance, and We caused the children of Israel to inherit the Scripture (Torah),
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
هُدٗى وَذِكۡرَىٰ لِأُوْلِي ٱلۡأَلۡبَٰبِ
54. A guidance and a reminder to those of (sound) understanding.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
فَٱصۡبِرۡ إِنَّ وَعۡدَ ٱللَّهِ حَقّٞ وَٱسۡتَغۡفِرۡ لِذَنۢبِكَ وَسَبِّحۡ بِحَمۡدِ رَبِّكَ بِٱلۡعَشِيِّ وَٱلۡإِبۡكَٰرِ
55. So be patient, for the Promise of Allah is true, and ask forgiveness for your sin, and glorify (Allah) your Lord with His praise in the evening and the morning.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ يُجَٰدِلُونَ فِيٓ ءَايَٰتِ ٱللَّهِ بِغَيۡرِ سُلۡطَٰنٍ أَتَىٰهُمۡ إِن فِي صُدُورِهِمۡ إِلَّا كِبۡرٞ مَّا هُم بِبَٰلِغِيهِۚ فَٱسۡتَعِذۡ بِٱللَّهِۖ إِنَّهُۥ هُوَ ٱلسَّمِيعُ ٱلۡبَصِيرُ
56. Those who dispute about the Verses of Allah without any authority that has come to them, there is nothing in their chests but pride, (the extent of) which they cannot reach. So seek refuge in Allah. He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
لَخَلۡقُ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلۡأَرۡضِ أَكۡبَرُ مِنۡ خَلۡقِ ٱلنَّاسِ وَلَٰكِنَّ أَكۡثَرَ ٱلنَّاسِ لَا يَعۡلَمُونَ
57. The creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of the people, but most people do not know.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
وَمَا يَسۡتَوِي ٱلۡأَعۡمَىٰ وَٱلۡبَصِيرُ وَٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ وَعَمِلُواْ ٱلصَّٰلِحَٰتِ وَلَا ٱلۡمُسِيٓءُۚ قَلِيلٗا مَّا تَتَذَكَّرُونَ
58. The blind and the seeing are not equal, nor those who believe and do righteous deeds and the evil-doer. Little do you take heed.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
إِنَّ ٱلسَّاعَةَ لَأٓتِيَةٞ لَّا رَيۡبَ فِيهَا وَلَٰكِنَّ أَكۡثَرَ ٱلنَّاسِ لَا يُؤۡمِنُونَ
59. The Hour (of Doom) is coming, there is no doubt therein, but most people do not believe.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
وَقَالَ رَبُّكُمُ ٱدۡعُونِيٓ أَسۡتَجِبۡ لَكُمۡۚ إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ يَسۡتَكۡبِرُونَ عَنۡ عِبَادَتِي سَيَدۡخُلُونَ جَهَنَّمَ دَاخِرِينَ
60. Your Sovereign Lord (Allah) says: "Pray to Me only, I will answer your prayers." Those who disdain My worship¹¹ will soon enter Hell, abased.
11. I.e. do not invoke Me, and do not believe in My Oneness, Islamic Monotheism.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
ٱللَّهُ ٱلَّذِي جَعَلَ لَكُمُ ٱلَّيۡلَ لِتَسۡكُنُواْ فِيهِ وَٱلنَّهَارَ مُبۡصِرًاۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَذُو فَضۡلٍ عَلَى ٱلنَّاسِ وَلَٰكِنَّ أَكۡثَرَ ٱلنَّاسِ لَا يَشۡكُرُونَ
61. It is Allah Who has made for you the night that you may rest therein and the day to see. Allah is Benevolent to the people, but most people do not give thanks to Him.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
ذَٰلِكُمُ ٱللَّهُ رَبُّكُمۡ خَٰلِقُ كُلِّ شَيۡءٖ لَّآ إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَۖ فَأَنَّىٰ تُؤۡفَكُونَ
62. Such is Allah, your Sovereign Lord, the Creator of everything. There is no (true) God except Him. How are you then turned away¹²?
12. From Allah’s worship to the worshipping of idols.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
كَذَٰلِكَ يُؤۡفَكُ ٱلَّذِينَ كَانُواْ بِـَٔايَٰتِ ٱللَّهِ يَجۡحَدُونَ
63. Thus were turned away those who denied the Revelations of Allah.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
ٱللَّهُ ٱلَّذِي جَعَلَ لَكُمُ ٱلۡأَرۡضَ قَرَارٗا وَٱلسَّمَآءَ بِنَآءٗ وَصَوَّرَكُمۡ فَأَحۡسَنَ صُوَرَكُمۡ وَرَزَقَكُم مِّنَ ٱلطَّيِّبَٰتِۚ ذَٰلِكُمُ ٱللَّهُ رَبُّكُمۡۖ فَتَبَارَكَ ٱللَّهُ رَبُّ ٱلۡعَٰلَمِينَ
64. It is Allah Who has made the earth a stable ground for you, and the sky a canopy, and formed you, then made goodly your forms, and He provided you with goodly things. That is Allah, your Sovereign Lord. Blessed is Allah, the Sovereign Lord of all beings.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
هُوَ ٱلۡحَيُّ لَآ إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ فَٱدۡعُوهُ مُخۡلِصِينَ لَهُ ٱلدِّينَۗ ٱلۡحَمۡدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلۡعَٰلَمِينَ
65. He is the Ever-Living, there is no (true) God except Him. So worship Him alone, and be devoted in His worship¹³. Praise be to Allah, the Sovereign Lord of all beings.
13. By worshipping Him Alone, and none else, and by doing righteous deeds sincerely for Allâh’s Sake only, and not to show off, and not setting up rivals with Him in worship.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
۞ قُلۡ إِنِّي نُهِيتُ أَنۡ أَعۡبُدَ ٱلَّذِينَ تَدۡعُونَ مِن دُونِ ٱللَّهِ لَمَّا جَآءَنِيَ ٱلۡبَيِّنَٰتُ مِن رَّبِّي وَأُمِرۡتُ أَنۡ أُسۡلِمَ لِرَبِّ ٱلۡعَٰلَمِينَ
66. Say: "I have been forbidden to worship those you pray to other than Allah when clear Proofs have come to me from (Allah) my Lord, and I am commanded to submit to (Allah) the Sovereign Lord of all beings."
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
هُوَ ٱلَّذِي خَلَقَكُم مِّن تُرَابٖ ثُمَّ مِن نُّطۡفَةٖ ثُمَّ مِنۡ عَلَقَةٖ ثُمَّ يُخۡرِجُكُمۡ طِفۡلٗا ثُمَّ لِتَبۡلُغُوٓاْ أَشُدَّكُمۡ ثُمَّ لِتَكُونُواْ شُيُوخٗاۚ وَمِنكُم مَّن يُتَوَفَّىٰ مِن قَبۡلُۖ وَلِتَبۡلُغُوٓاْ أَجَلٗا مُّسَمّٗى وَلَعَلَّكُمۡ تَعۡقِلُونَ
67. It is He (Allah) Who created you from dust, then from a sperm-drop, then from a clot, then He brings you forth as a child, so that you may attain your maturity, then you may become old - and of you there are some who are caused to die before - so that you may reach an appointed term, and so that you may understand¹⁴.
14. The Oneness of your Lord and His Power, and your Resurrection and thus become believers.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
هُوَ ٱلَّذِي يُحۡيِۦ وَيُمِيتُۖ فَإِذَا قَضَىٰٓ أَمۡرٗا فَإِنَّمَا يَقُولُ لَهُۥ كُن فَيَكُونُ
68. It is He (Allah) Who gives life and causes death. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it: ‘Be,’ and it is.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
أَلَمۡ تَرَ إِلَى ٱلَّذِينَ يُجَٰدِلُونَ فِيٓ ءَايَٰتِ ٱللَّهِ أَنَّىٰ يُصۡرَفُونَ
69. Have you not seen those who dispute about the Revelations of Allah: How are they turned away (from the Truth of Islam)?
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
ٱلَّذِينَ كَذَّبُواْ بِٱلۡكِتَٰبِ وَبِمَآ أَرۡسَلۡنَا بِهِۦ رُسُلَنَاۖ فَسَوۡفَ يَعۡلَمُونَ
70. Those who deny the Book (the Qur’an) and the message with which We have sent Our messengers¹⁵, they shall soon come to know (the result of their denial);
15. I.e., to worship none but Allâh Alone sincerely, and to reject all false deities and to confess resurrection after the death and Paradise and Hell are existing.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
إِذِ ٱلۡأَغۡلَٰلُ فِيٓ أَعۡنَٰقِهِمۡ وَٱلسَّلَٰسِلُ يُسۡحَبُونَ
71. When the fetters and the chains will be on their necks, they will be dragged -
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
فِي ٱلۡحَمِيمِ ثُمَّ فِي ٱلنَّارِ يُسۡجَرُونَ
72. Through boiling water, then in the eternal Fire they will be burned.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
ثُمَّ قِيلَ لَهُمۡ أَيۡنَ مَا كُنتُمۡ تُشۡرِكُونَ
73. Then it will be said to them: "Where are the idols which you worshiped -
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
مِن دُونِ ٱللَّهِۖ قَالُواْ ضَلُّواْ عَنَّا بَل لَّمۡ نَكُن نَّدۡعُواْ مِن قَبۡلُ شَيۡـٔٗاۚ كَذَٰلِكَ يُضِلُّ ٱللَّهُ ٱلۡكَٰفِرِينَ
74. Besides Allah?" They will say: "They have abandoned us, rather, we had worshipped nothing." Thus does Allah leave astray the deniers.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
ذَٰلِكُم بِمَا كُنتُمۡ تَفۡرَحُونَ فِي ٱلۡأَرۡضِ بِغَيۡرِ ٱلۡحَقِّ وَبِمَا كُنتُمۡ تَمۡرَحُونَ
75. This (torment) is because you had been exulting on the earth unjustly, and that you used to behave insolently.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
ٱدۡخُلُوٓاْ أَبۡوَٰبَ جَهَنَّمَ خَٰلِدِينَ فِيهَاۖ فَبِئۡسَ مَثۡوَى ٱلۡمُتَكَبِّرِينَ
76. Enter the gates of Gehinnom to abide therein. Evil is the Home of the arrogant.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
فَٱصۡبِرۡ إِنَّ وَعۡدَ ٱللَّهِ حَقّٞۚ فَإِمَّا نُرِيَنَّكَ بَعۡضَ ٱلَّذِي نَعِدُهُمۡ أَوۡ نَتَوَفَّيَنَّكَ فَإِلَيۡنَا يُرۡجَعُونَ
77. So be patient, the Promise of Allah is true. Should We make you see part of what We threaten them with, or should We cause you to die, to Us (Allah) they will (all) be returned (for Judgment).
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
وَلَقَدۡ أَرۡسَلۡنَا رُسُلٗا مِّن قَبۡلِكَ مِنۡهُم مَّن قَصَصۡنَا عَلَيۡكَ وَمِنۡهُم مَّن لَّمۡ نَقۡصُصۡ عَلَيۡكَۗ وَمَا كَانَ لِرَسُولٍ أَن يَأۡتِيَ بِـَٔايَةٍ إِلَّا بِإِذۡنِ ٱللَّهِۚ فَإِذَا جَآءَ أَمۡرُ ٱللَّهِ قُضِيَ بِٱلۡحَقِّ وَخَسِرَ هُنَالِكَ ٱلۡمُبۡطِلُونَ
78. We have sent Messengers before you. Among them are those We have related to you their story and there are others whom We have not related to you their story. It is not for any Messenger to bring a miracle except with Allah’s Permission. When the Command of Allah comes, the matter will be decided in truth, and the followers of falsehood will then be utterly lost.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
ٱللَّهُ ٱلَّذِي جَعَلَ لَكُمُ ٱلۡأَنۡعَٰمَ لِتَرۡكَبُواْ مِنۡهَا وَمِنۡهَا تَأۡكُلُونَ
79. It is Allah Who has created the cattle for you that you may ride, and some of them you eat.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
وَلَكُمۡ فِيهَا مَنَٰفِعُ وَلِتَبۡلُغُواْ عَلَيۡهَا حَاجَةٗ فِي صُدُورِكُمۡ وَعَلَيۡهَا وَعَلَى ٱلۡفُلۡكِ تُحۡمَلُونَ
80. And there are (other) benefits for you in them, and that you may attain by them a need which is in your chests¹⁶, upon them and upon the ships you are carried.
16. i.e., to transport heavy loads to other lands
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
وَيُرِيكُمۡ ءَايَٰتِهِۦ فَأَيَّ ءَايَٰتِ ٱللَّهِ تُنكِرُونَ
81. He shows you His signs: Which then of Allah’s signs will you deny?
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
أَفَلَمۡ يَسِيرُواْ فِي ٱلۡأَرۡضِ فَيَنظُرُواْ كَيۡفَ كَانَ عَٰقِبَةُ ٱلَّذِينَ مِن قَبۡلِهِمۡۚ كَانُوٓاْ أَكۡثَرَ مِنۡهُمۡ وَأَشَدَّ قُوَّةٗ وَءَاثَارٗا فِي ٱلۡأَرۡضِ فَمَآ أَغۡنَىٰ عَنۡهُم مَّا كَانُواْ يَكۡسِبُونَ
82. Have they not then traveled through the land and seen how was the end of those before them? They were more (in numbers) than these and greater in strength and in fortifications in the land, but their worldly gains were of no benefit to them.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
فَلَمَّا جَآءَتۡهُمۡ رُسُلُهُم بِٱلۡبَيِّنَٰتِ فَرِحُواْ بِمَا عِندَهُم مِّنَ ٱلۡعِلۡمِ وَحَاقَ بِهِم مَّا كَانُواْ بِهِۦ يَسۡتَهۡزِءُونَ
83. When their Messengers came to them with clear Proofs, they were glad (and proud) with that which they had of the knowledge (of worldly things), and there beset them that which they used to mock.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
فَلَمَّا رَأَوۡاْ بَأۡسَنَا قَالُوٓاْ ءَامَنَّا بِٱللَّهِ وَحۡدَهُۥ وَكَفَرۡنَا بِمَا كُنَّا بِهِۦ مُشۡرِكِينَ
84. So when they saw Our mighty strike, they said: "We believe in Allah alone, and we deny what we used to associate with Him."
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
فَلَمۡ يَكُ يَنفَعُهُمۡ إِيمَٰنُهُمۡ لَمَّا رَأَوۡاْ بَأۡسَنَاۖ سُنَّتَ ٱللَّهِ ٱلَّتِي قَدۡ خَلَتۡ فِي عِبَادِهِۦۖ وَخَسِرَ هُنَالِكَ ٱلۡكَٰفِرُونَ
85. But their faith was of no benefit to them once they saw Our mighty strike. (This) has been the Way of Allah in dealing with His (wicked) slaves (from mankind and jinn). Thus were the deniers in utter loss.
আরবি তাফসীরসমূহ:
অর্থসমূহের অনুবাদ সূরা: সূরা গাফের
সূরাসমূহের সূচী পৃষ্ঠার নাম্বার
কুরআনুল কারীমের অর্থসমূহের অনুবাদ - ইংরেজি অনুবাদ- ইয়াকূব - অনুবাদসমূহের সূচী

ইংরেজি ভাষায় কুরআনুল কারীমের অর্থসমূহের অনুবাদ। আব্দুল্লাহ হাসান ইয়াকূব অনূদিত।
