[1] Wẽnd n yɩɩd minim ne A sẽn rat ne gʋls-bi tõsdɩ-kãensã. La Gʋls-bi tõsdɩ-kãensã, sẽn be Sʋʋr-kãensã baasgẽ wã, yaa sẽn wilgd Alkʋrãanã sẽn komsd a gees-n-taasã, bala b geesa kɩfr-dãmbã ne Alkʋrãanã, tɩ b kong n ka tõog n wa ne a buud ye, tɩ Alkʋrãanã me -yaool n yaa sẽn tui ne gom-biis nins bãmb goamã sẽn tuit ne wã, sẽn yaa gʋls-bi tõsdɩ bãmbã buudã, tɩ rẽnda wilgd Laarab-rãmbã kongame n ka tõog n wa ne Alkʋrãanã buud ye, n lagem ne bãmb n yɩɩd nebã ne zelem pεkã, tɩ wilgdẽ tɩ Alkʋrãanã a yaa sẽn tʋme tɩ yi Wẽnd nengẽ.
Lɑ Tõnd sɑglɑ ninsɑɑl ne ɑ roɑgdb ɑ yiibã sɑglg sẽn be neere, lɑ b sã n pẽdg foo tɩ f lɑgem Mɑɑm ne bũmb fo sẽn kɑ tɑr ɑ bãngre, bɩ f rɑ tũ-b ye, Mɑm nengẽ lɑ yãmb lebgr zĩig tɩ M rol yãmb y sẽn dɑg n tʋmdã.
Lɑ kɩfr-rãmbã yeelɑ muumin-rãmbã: "tũ-y tõnd sorã tɩ tõnd tʋk yãmb tʋʋm-tuutɩ wã rolbo". Lɑ b yɑool n kɑ na n tʋk b tʋʋm-tuutɩ wã rolb baa fʋɩ ye, lɑ sɩdã b yɑɑ zĩrimbe-nebɑ.
Yãmb sẽn tũud zẽng sẽn kɑ Wẽndã yɑɑ rʋbs bɑlɑ, lɑ y wʋgd zĩri; ad yãmb sẽn bõosd-b rãmbã kɑ so rɩtl yãmb yĩng ye, bɩ y bao rɩtlã Wẽnd nengẽ lɑ y tũ-A lɑ y soees-A, Yẽndɑ nengẽ lɑ y na n lebe.
T'ɑ nebã kɑ tɑll leokr sã n kɑ b sẽn yeele: "kʋ-y-yã-a mɑɑ y yõog-ɑ bugum" .Tɩ Wẽnd põsg-ɑ n yi bugmã; ad wãnde pʋgẽ wã tags-n-gesg-rãmb n be ne neb nins sẽn kõt-b sɩdã.
Yãmb maanda kẽed-n-taar ne rapã lɑ y bɑsd pɑgbã, lɑ y gɩt soay lɑ y kɩɩsd Wẽnd yãmb bool-tɑɑbã zĩigẽ? T'ɑ nebã kɑ tɑll leokr sã n kɑ b sẽn yeele: ''bɩ f wɑ ne Wẽnd noangã tɩ f sã n yɑɑ sɩd-soɑbɑ".
A (ɭbraahɩɩm) yeel-b lame: "ad ɑ Lʋʋṭ bee beenẽ", tɩ b yeele: "tõnd n yɩɩd minim ne neb sẽn be tẽngã pʋgẽ, tõnd nɑ n põsgɑ yẽnda la ɑ zɑkã rãmbɑ, rẽndɑ ɑ pɑgã bɑlɑ, ɑ nɑɑgɑ b sẽn na n halkã rãmbã''.
Lɑ Tõnd tẽn-tʋmdbã sẽn wɑ n tɑ ɑ Lʋʋṭ nengẽ wã, a sũurã sãama b yĩnga, a sẽn ka tar pãng n na n sõng-bã, lɑ b yeelyã: "rɑ yεεs ye, rɑ sãam f sũur ye, ad d nɑ n põsgɑ foom ne f zɑkã rãmbɑ, rẽndɑ fo pɑgã bɑlɑ, ɑ nɑɑgɑ b sẽn na n halkã rãmba.
Lɑ D tʋm Mɑdyɑn, b saam-biiga a Sʋ'ʿayba b nengẽ, t'ɑ yeele: "Yaa yãmb m nebɑ! Tũ-y Wẽnd lɑ y tẽ Yɑoolem dɑɑrã, lɑ y rɑ yɩ sãɑmdb n gɩlgd tẽngã pʋgẽ ye.
Lɑ tẽeg-y aʿAad lɑ a Ṯamuud rãmb yelle; sɩd la hakɩɩka, b zagsã yɩɩ vẽeneg ne yãmba, lɑ ɑ sʋɩtãan fɑɑsɑ b tʋʋmã n kõ-bɑ, n gɩd-b n yiis sorẽ wã, lɑ b yɑool n yɩɩ nenem-vẽenes rãmbɑ ne yεlɑ fãɑ.
La ned kam fãa Tõnd yõk-ɑ-lɑ ne ɑ zunuubu. Zĩndɑ b pʋgẽ Tõnd sẽn tʋm sobg t'ɑ halk-ba, zĩndɑ b pʋgẽ tãsg sẽn pɑɑme, zĩnda b pʋgẽ Tõnd sẽn kɩt tɩ tẽngã vel-bɑ, zĩnda b pʋgẽ Tõnd sẽn bõre. Wẽnd kɑ yɩ n nɑ n wẽg-b ye, lɑ yɑɑ bãmb n dɑ yɩ n wẽgd b mense.
Kɑrem b sẽn tʋm tɩ wɑ fo nengẽ tɩ be Gafẽ wã, lɑ f yɑls Pʋʋsgã, ad Pʋʋsgã gũudɑme n yit yel-wẽn lɑ yel-kiti tʋʋmɑ, lɑ ad Wẽnd yʋʋrã tẽegrã n yɩɩd bedrem, lɑ Wẽnd mii yãmb sẽn mɑɑndã.
Lɑ y rɑ wẽ no-koεεmd ne Gafã rãmb rẽndɑ ne sẽn sõmbe, rẽndɑ b nins sẽn wẽgbã; lɑ y yele: "tõnd kõo sɩd ne b sẽn sik tɩ wɑ tõnd nengẽ lɑ yãmb nengẽ wã; lɑ tõnd Soɑbã ne yãmb Soɑbã yɑa A Yembre, lɑ tõnd yɑɑ sak-n-tũ rãmb A yĩngɑ''.
Lɑ fo rɑ kɑ yɩ tɑoor tɩ Alkʋrãɑnɑ nɑ n pɑ wɑ n da kɑremd Gaf ye, fo kɑ yɩ n gʋlsdẽ me ye; sã n da yɩ woto, neb nins sẽn kɩɩsdb sɩdã rag n na n maana sik a zugu.
Yeele: ''mɑɑm ne yãmb sʋkɑ, Wẽnd seedgã sekame; A mii sẽn be sɑɑsẽ lɑ tẽngẽ, lɑ neb nins sẽn kõ-b sɩd ne zĩri wã lɑ b kɩfl ne Wẽndã, bãmb-rãmb lɑ bõndbã.
Lɑ tɩ fo sã n sok-b tɩ ãnd n sikd koomã tɩ yit sɑɑgẽ wã n tɑll-ɑ n vʋʋg tẽngã ɑ sẽn ki loogr poore? B nɑ yeel tɩ yɑɑ Wẽnde. Yeele: "Wẽnd n so pẽgre". Ad b wʋsgã fãɑ ka tagsd ye.
La b sã n wa zomb koom koglgo lɑ b sẽn n bõosd Wẽnde tɩ b yɑɑ sẽn n yɩlg b pʋs A kosgẽ wã; lɑ A sã n tɩlg-b n yiis yɩngã lɑ b sẽn mɑɑnd lɑgem-n-tɑɑr ne-A.
Lɑ ãnd n yɩɩd wẽgb ne ned ning sẽn wãagd-ɑ zĩri n dogl Wẽnd tɩ kɑ yɩ ne sɩda maa a yagsd sɩdã a sẽn wa n wa-a wã? Rẽ yĩnga, ka Gεhannem la kɩfr-rãmb gãag zĩigã?
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অনুসন্ধানের ফলসমূহ:
API specs
Sura translation
GET / https://quranenc.com/api/v1/translation/sura/{translation_key}/{sura_number} description: get the specified translation (by its translation_key) for the speicified sura (by its number)
Parameters: translation_key: (the key of the currently selected translation) sura_number: [1-114] (Sura number in the mosshaf which should be between 1 and 114)
json object containing array of objects, each object contains the "sura", "aya", "translation" and "footnotes".
GET / https://quranenc.com/api/v1/translation/aya/{translation_key}/{sura_number}/{aya_number} description: get the specified translation (by its translation_key) for the speicified aya (by its number sura_number and aya_number)
Parameters: translation_key: (the key of the currently selected translation) sura_number: [1-114] (Sura number in the mosshaf which should be between 1 and 114) aya_number: [1-...] (Aya number in the sura)
json object containing the "sura", "aya", "translation" and "footnotes".