Prijevod značenja časnog Kur'ana - الترجمة الإنجليزية - يعقوب * - Sadržaj prijevodā

Prijevod značenja Ajet: (20) Sura: Sura el-Hadid
ٱعۡلَمُوٓاْ أَنَّمَا ٱلۡحَيَوٰةُ ٱلدُّنۡيَا لَعِبٞ وَلَهۡوٞ وَزِينَةٞ وَتَفَاخُرُۢ بَيۡنَكُمۡ وَتَكَاثُرٞ فِي ٱلۡأَمۡوَٰلِ وَٱلۡأَوۡلَٰدِۖ كَمَثَلِ غَيۡثٍ أَعۡجَبَ ٱلۡكُفَّارَ نَبَاتُهُۥ ثُمَّ يَهِيجُ فَتَرَىٰهُ مُصۡفَرّٗا ثُمَّ يَكُونُ حُطَٰمٗاۖ وَفِي ٱلۡأٓخِرَةِ عَذَابٞ شَدِيدٞ وَمَغۡفِرَةٞ مِّنَ ٱللَّهِ وَرِضۡوَٰنٞۚ وَمَا ٱلۡحَيَوٰةُ ٱلدُّنۡيَآ إِلَّا مَتَٰعُ ٱلۡغُرُورِ
20. Know that the worldly life is only a play, amusement, adornment, mutual boasting among yourselves, and rivalry in respect of wealth and children. It is like the rain causing vegetation to grow which pleases the tillers, then it dries up so that you will see it become yellow, then it becomes crushed bits of straw. But in the Hereafter there is a severe torment (for the deniers) and forgiveness from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure (for the believers). The life of this world is no more than a fleeting enjoyment¹⁰.
10. Allah is not happy with our attention focused on the world. Rather, He encourages that we do not conform to the pattern of this world. Then only you will be able to follow what Allah’s will is - His good, pleasing, and perfect will. We must choose to turn our affections away from the world and toward Allah only, asking Him to help us love Him more. Allah out of His Bounty send us the best example to follow, his last and final messenger, the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
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Prijevod značenja Ajet: (20) Sura: Sura el-Hadid
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Prijevod značenja časnog Kur'ana - الترجمة الإنجليزية - يعقوب - Sadržaj prijevodā

ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم إلى اللغة الانجليزية ترجمها عبد الله حسن يعقوب.
