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Translation of the Meanings of the Noble Qur'an - German Translation - Bubenheim * - Translations’ Index

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Translation of the meanings Ayah: (19) Surah: Al-Infitār
يَوۡمَ لَا تَمۡلِكُ نَفۡسٞ لِّنَفۡسٖ شَيۡـٔٗاۖ وَٱلۡأَمۡرُ يَوۡمَئِذٖ لِّلَّهِ
Am Tag, da keine Seele für eine (andere) Seele etwas (auszurichten) vermag; und der Befehl wird an jenem Tag Allah (allein) zustehen.
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
Translation of the meanings Ayah: (19) Surah: Al-Infitār
Surahs’ Index Page Number
Translation of the Meanings of the Noble Qur'an - German Translation - Bubenheim - Translations’ Index

Translation of the Quran meanings into German by Abdullah As-Samit (Frank Bubenheim) and Dr. Nadeem Elyas
