《古兰经》译解 - 英文翻译-瓦利德·比利哈什·欧麦尔博士 * - 译解目录

含义的翻译 段: (74) 章: 伊斯拉仪
وَلَوۡلَآ أَن ثَبَّتۡنَٰكَ لَقَدۡ كِدتَّ تَرۡكَنُ إِلَيۡهِمۡ شَيۡـٔٗا قَلِيلًا
(74) [3659]Had We not made you firm, you would have leaned to them a little.
[3659] Based on the previous two readings, the ‘leaning’ (rukūn) was either close to happening had God Almighty’s mercy not intervened; or that such thoughts did not even cross the Noble Messenger’s mind because of the intervention of God’s mercy beforehand (cf. Ibn ʿAṭiyyah, Ibn Juzayy, al-Shinqīṭī, Ibn ʿĀshūr).
含义的翻译 段: (74) 章: 伊斯拉仪
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《古兰经》译解 - 英文翻译-瓦利德·比利哈什·欧麦尔博士 - 译解目录

古兰经英文译解 - 正在翻译,瓦利德·比里哈什·阿米尔博士翻译
