Translation of the Meanings of the Noble Qur'an - الترجمة الكيروندية * - Translations’ Index

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Translation of the meanings Surah: Al-Ghāshiyah   Ayah:


هَلۡ أَتَىٰكَ حَدِيثُ ٱلۡغَٰشِيَةِ
Mbega Ntumwa y’Imana! Warashikiriwe n’inkuru y’umusi uhwikira ibiremwa!
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
وُجُوهٞ يَوۡمَئِذٍ خَٰشِعَةٌ
Uwo musi, abagarariji bazosuzugurika bijirirwe mu maso kubera ibihano;
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
عَامِلَةٞ نَّاصِبَةٞ
Bakore bita ku rutare, baruhe;
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
تَصۡلَىٰ نَارًا حَامِيَةٗ
Bazokwinjira mu muriro udahera, unyengetera cane;
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
تُسۡقَىٰ مِنۡ عَيۡنٍ ءَانِيَةٖ
Banyweshwe mw’iriba ry’amazi asebura akaryimara;
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
لَّيۡسَ لَهُمۡ طَعَامٌ إِلَّا مِن ضَرِيعٖ
Nta mfungurwa bazohabwa atari amahwa yumye;
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
لَّا يُسۡمِنُ وَلَا يُغۡنِي مِن جُوعٖ
Ntavyibusha namba eka ntanavuna n’inzara (ntanahembura) na gato.
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
وُجُوهٞ يَوۡمَئِذٖ نَّاعِمَةٞ
Uwo musi rero, abemeramana bazorangwa n’akamwemwe mu maso;
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
لِّسَعۡيِهَا رَاضِيَةٞ
Bashime mu buzima bw’inyuma yo gupfa ibikorwa vyabo bakoze kw’isi;
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
فِي جَنَّةٍ عَالِيَةٖ
Bazoba bari mu Bwami bw’ijuru bw’iteka;
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
لَّا تَسۡمَعُ فِيهَا لَٰغِيَةٗ
Ntibazokwumvamwo insaku n’amajambo ata co amaze;
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
فِيهَا عَيۡنٞ جَارِيَةٞ
Harimwo iriba ry’amazi atemba;
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
فِيهَا سُرُرٞ مَّرۡفُوعَةٞ
Harimwo n’ibitanda vy’icubahiro bihanitse;
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
وَأَكۡوَابٞ مَّوۡضُوعَةٞ
N’ibirahuri bishinguwe neza, vyabategekanirijwe;
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
وَنَمَارِقُ مَصۡفُوفَةٞ
N’imisego itondeshejwe neza;
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
وَزَرَابِيُّ مَبۡثُوثَةٌ
N’ibisaswa vy’iteka bishashwe neza.
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
أَفَلَا يَنظُرُونَ إِلَى ٱلۡإِبِلِ كَيۡفَ خُلِقَتۡ
Mbega yemwe, abagarariji ntibitegereza ingamiya ingene yaremwe!
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
وَإِلَى ٱلسَّمَآءِ كَيۡفَ رُفِعَتۡ
N’ijuru ingene ryahanitswe, ata nkingi!
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
وَإِلَى ٱلۡجِبَالِ كَيۡفَ نُصِبَتۡ
N’imisozi ingene yashimitswe!
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
وَإِلَى ٱلۡأَرۡضِ كَيۡفَ سُطِحَتۡ
N’isi ingene yashashwe, yagutse!
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
فَذَكِّرۡ إِنَّمَآ أَنتَ مُذَكِّرٞ
Ntumwa y’Imana! Kubera ivyo rero, Ibutsa abirengagiza ukuri, ko mu vy’ukuri wewe ujejwe kwibutsa gusa;
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
لَّسۡتَ عَلَيۡهِم بِمُصَيۡطِرٍ
Wewe ntushinzwe kubahatira kwemera.
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
إِلَّا مَن تَوَلَّىٰ وَكَفَرَ
Ariko uwugenza umugongo, agatsimbatara mu kugarariza;
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
فَيُعَذِّبُهُ ٱللَّهُ ٱلۡعَذَابَ ٱلۡأَكۡبَرَ
Uyo, Imana Allah Izomuha ibihano ruhasha mu muriro.
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
إِنَّ إِلَيۡنَآ إِيَابَهُمۡ
Mu vy’ukuri, igaruka ryabo - nibazuka - ni iwacu Twebwe Allah;
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
ثُمَّ إِنَّ عَلَيۡنَا حِسَابَهُم
Hanyuma, nta nkeka ko ari Twebwe Allah, Tujejwe kubaharurira ku musi w’impera.
Arabic explanations of the Qur’an:
Translation of the meanings Surah: Al-Ghāshiyah
Surahs’ Index Page Number
Translation of the Meanings of the Noble Qur'an - الترجمة الكيروندية - Translations’ Index

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