The Noble Qur'an Encyclopedia

Towards providing reliable exegeses and translations of the meanings of the Noble Qur'an in the world languages


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Completed Translations

Translation of the Quran meanings into Portugal by Dr. Helmy Nasr. Corrected by supervision of Rowwad Translation Center -1440. 2023-04-15 - V1.3.2

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Translation of the Quran meanings into Azerbaijani by Khan Mosaiv. Corrected by supervision of Rowwad Translation Center. The original translation is available for suggestions, continuous evaluation and development. 2023-12-04 - V1.0.4

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Translation of the Quran meanings into Bosnian by Rowwad Translation Center with cooperation with 2024-07-09 - V2.0.3

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Translation of the Quran meanings into Serbian by Rowwad Translation Center in cooperation with 2024-04-01 - V1.0.4

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Translation of the Quran meanings into Lithuanian By Rowwad Translation Center with cooperation with 2024-07-23 - V1.0.8

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Translation of the Quran meanings into Uzbek by Rowwad Translation Center with cooperation with 2023-10-31 - V1.0.4

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Translation of the Quran meanings into Tajik by Rowwad Translation Center with cooperation with 2024-04-23 - V1.0.2

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Translation of the meanings of the Noble Qur’an into the Kyrgyz language, translated by Shams al-Din Hakimov Abd al-Khaleq, reviewed and developed under the supervision of the Rowad Translation Center. 2024-02-20 - V1.0.2

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Translation of the Quran meanings into Tagalog by Rowwad Translation Center with cooperation with 2023-10-31 - V1.1.2

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Translation of the Qur’an meanings into Chinese, translated by Mohammed Makin, reviewed by Mohammed Suleiman with other specialists. 2024-03-18 - V1.0.5

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Translation of the Quran meanings into Persian by the team of the Persian language in Rowwad Center in cooperation with 2024-01-01 - V1.1.1

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Translation of the Quran meanings into Telugu by Maulana Abder-Rahim ibn Muhammad. 2024-02-20 - V1.0.6

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Translation of the Quran meanings into Gujarati by Rabila Al-Umry, published by Birr Institution - Mumbai 2017. 2024-01-30 - V1.1.1

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Translation of the Quran meanings into Assamese by Sh. Rafiqul-Islam Habib Ar-Rahman in 1438 H. 2024-06-07 - V1.0.5

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Translation of the Quran meanings into Tamil by Sh. Omar Sharif ibn Abdusalam 2022-12-13 - V1.0.2

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Translation of the Quran meanings into Sinhalese by Rowwad Translation Center with cooperation with 2024-02-22 - V1.0.5

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Translation of the Quran meanings into Yoruba by Abu Rahima Mikhail Aikweiny, printed in 1432 H. 2024-07-10 - V1.0.7

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Translation of the Quran meanings into Ashanti by Sheikh Haroun Ismaeel 2023-08-16 - V1.0.3

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